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A really great article. However they tested on nextjs.org only, so it's still possible Google doesn't waste rendering resources on smaller domains

Martin Splitt mentioned on a LinkedIn post[1] as a follow up to this that larger sites may have crawl budget applied.

> That was a pretty defensive stance in 2018 and, to be fair, using server-side rendering still likely gives you a more robust and faster-for-users setup than CSR, but in general our queue times are significantly lower than people assumed and crawl budget only applies to very large (think 1 million pages or more) sites and matter mostly to those, who have large quantities of content they need updated and crawled very frequently (think hourly tops).

We have also tested smaller websites and found that Google consistently renders them all. What was very surprising about this research is how fast the render occured after crawling the webpage.

[1] https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7224438...

I couldn't share any pricing data since the discussions with providers are private. Instead, I added a graph of prices from gpulist.ai. For an Infiniband cluster, median is $2.3 per H100 hour, average is $2.47.

$2.47 * 256 * 24 * 30 = $455k ?

Based solely on my own calculations that I made for the board of my company; this is within the parameters I would expect, yeah.

I'm surprised that ~$10 million dollars of GPUs, @ $40k per H100 and excluding operational costs like the energy bill, only rents for $455k per month. Sounds like a really tough business since the amount of time required to recoup the costs of ownership (~21 months) seems like a really long time. A new generation or two of chips will have hit the market in that time, depreciating the recurring rental income. Leads me to wonder how much if any profit can be made renting GPUs.

I think Google Slides supports video, the downside is that you need to upload them to Google Drive first

It does - or YouTube. But they will not auto play like a gif and take over the screen when playing.

feature requests for Google:

- inline video that auto plays and loops. This is like 1 line of html. Please do this!

- let me drag a video into the slide and just upload it for me and embed it

- or just convert videos to gifs for me when I drag in!!

Steps to do so:

- open the network console

- right click on the request

- click "copy as curl"

- visit https://curlconverter.com/ to convert to Python/Node/any language

Also available as a VSCode extension that automatically matches the pasted content to the programming language used in the current file: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=curlconv...

I made a fork of the Chrome DevTools that adds "Copy as Python" to the right click menu of each request in the Network tab. You can tell Chrome to use a different version of the DevTools if you start it from the command line


Thank you for this. I didn’t know curlconverter existed.

This is my current workflow, though with ChatGPT.

I was just trying to save a few clicks

You made your request sound important to implement when you already have a workaround that doesn't take very much time...

This is why feature bloat is a thing

I was to say this lol

Thanks, fixing the typo :)

OP here. Here's a comparison with an input image vs gray levels vs dithered: https://imgur.com/a/osE57eh

When displayed on the frame you can barely see the dithering. Interestingly you see the jpeg compression artifacts a lot more

OP here. Your project is really cool, thanks for sharing. I was considering the same idea, but it means updating the drivers to work on an ESP32

The best option I found so far is a timer shield that can wake up the Raspberry periodically: https://www.pishop.us/product/sleepy-pi-2-power-management-s...

Eliot here, I work with Vincent on PhotoRoom. Our current focus is shipping an incredible app on the web and on mobile, but we'll tackle video very soon!

There's a good video on the topic here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR0M7KjnJTE

Thanks, that video is way more informative that the wikipedia article.

I also really enjoyed the beautiful "Meet the Machinists Who Keep the New York Times Running":


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