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The "teardown" video was quite well done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dxnr2FAADAs. Their openness is an interesting contrast with other manufacturers.

One thing that stands out is that the group that has been previously infected (both unvaccinated and single-jabbed post-infection) has been selected for survival already. I personally wouldn't draw the conclusion they propose from that population.

I don't want unification so much as the ability to run full macOS off of my phone when docked to a display. It is a simple request on the face of it and Apple is about the experience and hiding complexity, so even if it is hard to implement, once the hardware is capable (and it has been for a while) this is arguably a very nice feature to have for many.

My personal favorite method was to have a script sms me at the end of a long running task with the status code, last few lines if any error and how long it took to run.

The article mentions that they are building extra circuitry to circumvent any bad cores. Not much detail but at least they have addressed this.

Sorry you're completely right, I must've missed that whole paragraph.

To her point on fitness, even if I know exactly how much I'm doing and whether or not I'm in shape I actually do want something unobtrusive recording my vitals so that I can have a baseline in the future to compare against in case something truly is wrong, especially knowing what factors have changed over time and maybe being able to correlate them.

This is the first time you could install apps on your device without paying for a membership. Previously you could design and test through a simulator for free, now he can build and actually use his app without paying extra as he isn't distributing.

You can always distribute, but you can't submit to the mac app store.

I used to run a multitude of OSX (xcode developed) applications for beta testing, and while not signed, they were indeed runable.

I think you two are talking about different things. You could always distribute to OSX devices. However, now is the first time ever when you can run your app on an iOS device without a membership certificate from Apple. This is very good news.

So apps for cars would be rejected? Tesla is literally a "mobile platform", hehe.

Well, you jest now, but if rumors ever come to fruition (I don't believe they will) and Apple enters the "smart car" market, by this policy, Apps for Ford or Honda compatibility would start to get rejected.

I'm interested in finding out what kind of inter-car communication these companies are considering; direct reports from cars on the scene as well as official beacons that cars can subscribe to along highways and in cities.

Unreal Engine comes with full source updated live on GitHub, that is worth its weight in gold, sadly not even the Pro Unity subscription version comes with that option.

Unity does license the source code to enterprise customers though, although I guess that is negotiated on a per customer basis?

I think that's the issue though, hard to compete with getting it all for free without any lawyers or needing to even ask, especially when you are a paying customer. It will take time but with the source for Unreal being on GitHub it has the potential of becoming an actual "open" standard of sorts given how much the community can contribute back. It also makes it a greater platform for experimentation for universities and students in addition to smaller shops that can't afford to license it. Usually when a company says that the source can be negotiated separately the price is of the form of: "if you have to ask..."

My barrier to entry with Unreal is not knowing C++ - I picked up a few books and will be diving in shortly, but I'm already good with JS so UnityScript was easy to pick up (easy, but painful none-the-less).

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