It is silly to assume that more SDKs = more developers .
None of the SDKs are simple to use. The Webworks doesnt work behind a proxy. Ha. The whole process of signing your applications is so bloody time consuming and complex that I havent bothered to upload my apps there.
Link doesnt work. To build something that is called "chrome killer" you need to first put up a functioning website in place guys. Someone needs to be fired.
Apple has been consistent in it's policies. It has always been a closed castle. That is one reason why I haven't spent any bucks buying Apple products. One good thing about their consistency is that their browsers and other software is pretty good. Safari is much decent browser than crappy IE.
Microsoft on other hand has always grown with partners. They are not a closed castle. So when they try to gag a great software like Firefox I am upset.
This comes at a time when Linux based OS like Ubuntu are perhaps as good as Windows 7. MS is hurting itself.
I just hate the headlines. In one of the first lectures in my post grad school our prof. told us how to critically examine research papers and claims. He said "If anyone claims to come up with something "revolutionary" you should be 10 times more skeptical about his claims. It is very likely that the person probably doesn't know what he is talking about."
Of course in these cases the news reporters are to be blamed than the scientists who worked on the proble,.
I agree and it's a shame that writers feel like they need to use a hook to attract readers. However the reason I decided to post the article is because I was hoping that the users of hacker news could provide more input concerning the concepts discussed. As I would like to get more involved in AI, this article seem to be presenting a new method to look at it (At least I think it's new).
You're looking at the current version of the documentation. jQuery didn't have nearly as good documentation five years ago, and YUI's was much better than it is today (I think YUI3 is a step back for Yahoo).
We have done this for many of our projects and saved a lot of money and time. And actually it had only a marginal effect on our site statistics compared to the efforts we had to put into testing and developing for IE.
None of the SDKs are simple to use. The Webworks doesnt work behind a proxy. Ha. The whole process of signing your applications is so bloody time consuming and complex that I havent bothered to upload my apps there.