as much as im a bitcoiner, calling ethereum a shitcoin or even hit ing that its in the same ballpark as Texos is a gross injustice to ethereums accomplishments this far and a massive embellishment of what tezos currently is.
Not if you include all the puppeteering done by Joe Lubin and Consensys on Ethereum "Foundation" and organized bumping with ICOs coordination.
Business aside, the tech is full of shortcuts and snakeoil. So far they haven't done anything that wasn't debated by the cypherpunks of the 90s and deemed insecure and irresponsible. Of course, many will claim that they did something, but with that mentality, Bitcoin wouldn't still be alive and running till now.
It seems rather premature to call it working before it gets properly tested. And three weeks is a woefully short time to test something like this, fix any issues that are found, and then re-test.
Is this much different to nativefier? [1]
I made previous use of this by wrapping different AWS console logins (personal, work, prod) so I could be logged into multiple at once.
Simply just backup it up. There is no way to back up Docker volumes, except for making an other container only for this purpose which runs rsync or something similar.
How do you come to the conclusion that the entirety of Samsung don't understand or respect software, when they clearly show great contributions to OSS? [0].
Well, in the case of Linux they are legally bound to provide the source code to any modifications they ship in binary form to a third party due to the GPL, I don't know what their track record is when they don't have to release the source code.