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Hooray, another Apple-hating circle jerk post!

Please don't.

Everyone with strong feelings on $X (such as a BigCo or any other topic really) thinks that the community gets way too much anti-$X hate. The people who feel the opposite way think the forum is biased in exactly the opposite direction. These biases are in the eye of the beholder—they are predictable from your own passions. That makes comments like yours here particularly unhelpful, because they'll mostly just provoke the other side into passion wars, which are predictable and tedious and usually turn nasty.

I don't mean to pick on you personally. You're far from the only person suffering from this condition—in fact it seems universal in some form.



Author here... I exclusively use Mac and Apple products (other than my Kindle Paper White), thanks for reading.

The main difference with Microsoft is that Apple does not have a monopoly in phones like Microsoft had with PCs. Apple phones make up only 13% of the phone market.

Colloquial definitions of monopoly do not matter when it comes to antitrust laws[1]:

> Courts do not require a literal monopoly before applying rules for single firm conduct; that term is used as shorthand for a firm with significant and durable market power — that is, the long term ability to raise price or exclude competitors. That is how that term is used here: a "monopolist" is a firm with significant and durable market power.


> Apple phones make up only 13% of the phone market.

iOS has 60% of the market in the US[2].

[1] https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/competition-guidance/guide-a...

[2] https://deviceatlas.com/blog/android-v-ios-market-share

Depends on how one defines "monopoly". Back in the late 1990s, one could theoretically install non-Windows OSes like Linux, Unix or even purchase an Apple Mac. But yes, in practice Microsoft commanded the market and abused its market power.

Also it's market-specific. As the other commenter noted, the market share is region-specific and in the EU higher than 13%. In the U.S. it's even higher at ~47% (https://www.statista.com/statistics/236550/percentage-of-us-...).

You could argue that users technically have a choice to switch to Android but due to network effect (e.g. your family/friends all use iOS) and lock-in features like iMessage and Facetime, it's often a false choice.

Every time App/Play store fees are discussed, it devolves into unproductive hair-splitting over the word monopoly. The proper term is captive market.

> Captive markets are markets where the potential consumers face a severely limited number of competitive suppliers; their only choices are to purchase what is available or to make no purchase at all

Apple has at least 30% market share in EU, you're giving the EMEA number.

What do you call the Play Store? What do you call Android? Talk about false equivalence, you’ve just demonstrated that.

1.I have installed LineageOS which has 0 apps from Gogle

2. I have installed android apps from F_-droid/Samsung app store or even Vivo app store

3. I have directly installed apks which didn't appear on play store directly from the internet

Where is my false equivalence? Pray tell me?

Google makes it impossible for apps to run without play store but I've used 0 google apps on android for 1yr and lived easily with 0 issues

Remove apple's app store, I dare you and then tell me you can live for one year.

Apple has monopoly on app store.

Walmart can't be compared.

Google has technically enforced monopoly and which I oppose. I never said google play store isn't a monopoly.

Are you sure you know what false equivalence means?

Dude, you don't need to buy an iphone, you don't need to by an xbox, you don't need to buy a playstation - if you do though you will be using their stores / they will be getting a cut.

But when I buy Android I can side load app

If I buy Apple phone I can't sideload app. At all.

How ia this not a monopoly.

Also why you bring xbox into picture. It's a gaming console not a general purpose device ppl use 4+hrs in a day.

They can have their cut buthe issue that you're ignoring is that they don't allow side loading and that they can randomly kill any app they want. Like they have done in the past and small developers don't have the money Epic does

The Play Store has very little for tablets. The Android tablet market is effectively dead.

He's lucky he ruled when he did. Nowadays he'd have been exposed and destroyed for his sexual harrassment (which is why he stepped down originally) and other horrible behavior.

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