I'm the author - I think that it's good to signal this kind of thing redundantly, and not rely on the details of typesetting to avoid confusion. I'll create an issue in the repo to rephrase the sentence.
Lean occupies a different point in the design space. Its type theory is simpler and more conservative, its metaprogramming system is more reminiscent of Racket's (including hygienic procedural macros), and the focus on supporting professional mathematicians gives a different feel to the community and libraries. I think both are worth knowing, but either is great to learn. I hope the two projects learn more from each other in the future.
Lean 4 is an interactive theorem prover. It's also a programming language with a self-hosting compiler. This is a free book on using Lean 4 as a programming language, written without assuming any background in functional programming. It's intended to be accessible to Python, C#, Rust, Kotlin, Java, TypeScript, and Scala developers. Today marks the final release, after more than a year of writing.
Thank you very much for this book. It has been invaluable for my introduction to Lean and a joy to study from. I still have not read the last chapter, looking forward to it! Kudos for your effort, and I hope you will write some more stuff about Lean in the future.
Thank you for reading it, and I hope that the final chapter is also enjoyable for you. Right now, I plan to take a break - this book occupied every Saturday for about a year, and some time off is in order. But Lean is tons of fun, and I'd like to get back into it once I'm recovered a bit.
Congratulations on the publication! As a dabbler in strictly typed functional programming languages like Scala and F#, I have always been curious about proof-oriented languages such as Coq or Agda, but found it difficult to justify the time investment. Lean seems to position itself as a theorem proving language that also supports general-purpose programs. Looking forward to digging into your book!
Those other languages are also definitely worth learning. Happily, there's lots of cross-transfer of ideas and skills between them, so learning one will make the others easier. I got my start in dependent types with Software Foundations and Coq, and that was very helpful when learning Agda and Idris later. Similarly, skills from them transferred quite readily to Lean.
Lean4 is intended to be both, while Idris is more on the programming side and Agda - one the proof side. Maybe I'm mistaken about Idris, but Agda really doesn't prioritize programming: library handling, ffi, and tooling are all rudimentary.
Unfortunately not. I wanted to produce PDF and epub versions in parallel with the HTML version, but getting those to be of sufficient quality would have blown the time budget for the project. There's some old code in the Git history for dumping the source to Pandoc's dialect of Markdown, from which I was going to generate those, but the differences in Markdown dialects are enough that it was a fair bit of work.
Dropping a print version and focusing on epub could very well be faster, as I suspect that an mdbook->epub pipeline is less challenging than creating a quality print-ready PDF. But no plans right now.
Another nice method to reduce risk from electronic counting is called the "Benaloh Challenge" (after Josh Benaloh, the inventor). The idea is that there are two steps to putting the paper ballot into the machine: first, the machine precommits to an encryption of its count (e.g. by printing some paper with evidence on it), and then the voter decides whether to spoil the ballot or actually cast it. If the voter spoils the ballot, then they get a new paper ballot to vote on, but they can retain the commitment. Voters may spoil any number of ballots. Decryptions of spoiled ballots along with enough information to check the machine's work are provided to the voter, either immediately or at the end of the day. This means that a cheating machine cannot cheat very much, though the whole thing also really relies on a verifiable privacy-preserving audit trail for the actual count (e.g. with homomorphic encryption). It at least means that nobody need trust the actual computers.
The Strange Loop talk was very enjoyable. You are a gifted public speaker. And I just want to say that I am excited to read your book on Lean in full, too!
Thanks for the feedback!