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Just as an FYI, the designer of the Minority Report UI/UX created a company (http://www.oblong.com) and actually built the system. Boeing (my former company) actually has a patent using the system to control a swarm of UAVs.

I'd checkout John Underkoffler's Ted Talk: http://www.ted.com/talks/john_underkoffler_drive_3d_data_wit...

First, not all of the choices will work for each person. Its a bit of a science experiment so don't get discouraged if the first medication you try doesn't work very well. I also recommend that you ask to try a set of them to determine what is the most effective for you. I have taken them all until I found the one that worked the best for me. Starting with Adderall, then Ritalin, and finally Vyvanse. At this point I take one 70mg Vyvanse capsule a day. While Adderall and Vyvanse are quite similar, the major difference is that Vyvanse is not a stimulant until it is metabolized by the liver. For me this results in a smoother transition on and off, with the duration lasting 10 hours or so. Adderall didn't last nearly as long (8 hours or less) and I became a bit of a jerk as it wore off. (They don't call it "Madderall" for nothing).

I want to emphasize though that none of these medications will cure you. If you want to see the biggest change, then combine the medication, exercise, quality sleep, and a good diet. Last, learn all that you can about ADHD, how it effects your relationships with others (you would be surprised), along with how other people with ADHD go about getting things done in spite of the disorder.

"I'd also argue that _people_ aren't a bunch of automatons who use computer interfaces simply to accomplish tasks. A "gorgeous" UI can make an otherwise mundane task (e.g., looking up which recipes to cook) into something fun and enjoyable."

I wish I could upvote this comment more. On a front-end client client for a US CBP command and control system, I had to design and implement both a day and night mode. The operators loved the night mode so much they ran it during the day too.. they called it sexy mode. It was the first time I saw how excited and fun they were having because they just felt cool using the system. The experience had a huge impact on me.

Here is a more complete list of user interfaces sorted by TV Show, Movie, Designer, and more:


I've only been using 10.9 for a few hours but I have already noticed that some of the unnecessary decoration was removed. Notepad, the notification sidebar, launcher, widgets screen, etc have been toned down.

I actually had a discussion with my doctor on this very subject. He was complaining that he could not actually advertise prices as it is apparently considered price fixing if doctors do that (or so he says). He also told me he would be stupid not to bill the highest possible price he could for things because he doesn't know exactly what the insurance companies will accept and he could be leaving money on the table otherwise. So don't try to distinguish between specialists and GP's, they all do it.

Interesting. It's cool that your doctor tried to be honest with you about it. It would be so much better if you were his customer and not your insurance company.

Since I have an HSA, I write checks to every doctor that I see. (My company buys me high deductible insurance and puts $6k into an HSA each year for my family.) When I visit my GP, it's $72 for usually 20 minutes of his time and I can get in to see him the same day. Specialist appointments are $800+ for what often feels like a more cursory conversation that I waited a month or two for. That's why I am not as quick to blame GPs. They have to rent office space and hire office staff on top of acquiring an expensive education, so the price that they charge (to someone with insurance like me, anyway) feels pretty justifiable.

"The challenge of these leaks is exacerbated by a lack of public understanding of the safeguards in place and little awareness of the outcomes that our authorities yield."

This is a self inflicted wound that they are refusing to accept responsibility for. While I am against domestic data collection without cause period, when it happens there should be informed consent, not blind trust that they won't abuse the privilege. Furthermore, the handling of any of this data, whether domestic or foreign by defense/security contractors should be banned. Add any other entity that would have an economic incentive to secretly abuse said access to that information to the list.

Linked at the bottom of this article is the counter point: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/here-there-and-everywher...

I personally have been waiting for the chance to play with Oblong's g-speak ever sense I learned about it while at Boeing. It will be fun to see what the developer community at large does with it.

When working with engineers from Israel, I still hear the term "MMI" used frequently. They use it the same way I would use "HMI" here in the states.

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