But on a serious note if he's a billionaire then he can drop the whole monetization schtick. Telegram has become unusuable in the last few years. There's crypto scam ads everywhere.
Whenever I open Youtube via an EU proxy, I see "a crypto scam" video at the front page, the first one. The title is "+35 ETH generated last month by effectively using the contract bot for trading" and the account name is "Web3 developer", and the label says "Sponsored". The thumbnail displays a happy bearded man's face resembling that famous Youtuber who gives away money, a fire emoji and words "+35 ETH in July personal bot".
Maybe this is not a scam and therefore is allowed? Maybe it is a joke video? I didn't watch the video, but the title and thumbnails looks like a "scam".
I don't know. I analyzed the code from below the video with GPT[0] and it flagged a bunch of stuff it considered shady.
[0] Every time I mention using AI my posts get downvoted to infinity, so take the above with a grain of salt :)
I don't know anything about coding crypto, but it looks to me like it has a bunch of functions which each return a little hex string which it merges together into a wallet address which it then transfers all your funds to. I could be totally wrong and it's all above board.
You can see that most functions deal with converting hex strings to bytes or parsing utf-8 despite their name. For example, checkLiquidity seems to just convert hex representation to binary and not what its name says.
The contract is payable, i.e. will accept ether as payment but doesn't actually do anything.
From a glance looks like the withdrawal function is setup to generate the address of the scammer - through all of those obfuscated functions that have hex string slices - so ultimately only they can remove the funds.
I think this might be not an address belonging to the scammer, but an address of an exchange or something like that. Why would he write his address in clear text.
I can corroborate GP's claim. I've used AdBlock at home, but at work my Youtube main page has a persistent ad that's like what GP described. Location: Hong Kong with an office network that presumably VPNs to USA.
From my experience those charges are valid and well deserved. As a Telegram user since 2015, I've spent 2 years actively reporting groups and individuals in posession of explicit materials involving children and animals. Some of my friends have also joined me in this effort. Unfortunately, Telegram never banned any of those groups and individuals which is a textbook case of not only being an accessory to crime, but also being complicit in letting the crime go on.
I don't understand why this comment is being downvoted. You guys are upset that I was trying to get pedos and zoos banned? You support what they're doing?
Like with all terms originating from 4chan, some people will try to reject it and make it the new n-word like they're paid to do this. The irony is they do it for free on a Friday afternoon. At the end of the day normal people who don't larp as Internet hall monitors don't care and adopt the term anyway. Many such cases. And people haven't learned in the 20 years this kept happening over and over again.
Yes, it is necessity, and that's exactly what sucks about it. Employing a LLM to troll your users and give them bad advice is the least efficient way of doing so. If this is really what we want to do, we can just write a Markov chain generator in JavaScript and push that to the user so that it wastes their compute resources, not ours.