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Tofu Dreg kills people.

I am not sure about putting human lives as an operand in win/loss arithmetic, like some typical resource. China is not in a hot war.

It's more about not having to perform a ritual before using the headset, like making sure the controllers are charged, and picking them up.

When you are holding controllers, you can't interact with the environment and people around you naturally, like how Apple showed it in the videos, before "reversing" the ritual.

Apple also wants users to plug it in and use it all day. You can't do that with the limit of controller battery.

Apple wants users to charge their earbuds, their watch, every day in order to listen to music and track their oxygen. These could all be integrated into the phone, but they chose not to, in order to sell more products. Everyone does this thing nowadays

Given how their software offerings and datacenter network have expanded over the years, I think the price increase is fair.

At the end of the day, this is optional and hidden by default.

Compared to command + tab or exposé, this approach is more visual and direct, which seems to be a better fit for a form factor that offers much more screen real estate.

I guess this is the cost Apple is willing to pay to ease mac and ipad users into reality OS.

Stage manager doesn't look to me like a replacement for cmd+tab or exposé, but rather a more obvious and in your face replacement for Spaces (multiple desktops).

Still a little confused with Stage Manager, but thinking about it as a replacement/enhancement for Spaces makes it seem a lot more interesting and useful.

Even though Spaces is an awesome idea, I find it very inconvenient to use even with 4-finger swiping. Perhaps it's the lack of visual cues that is the issue for me. And I find that most of the left/right real-estate on my screen wasted anyways, so this might be something I can actually use.

Having played around with Stage Manager today, the best way I would describe it is "Spaces within Spaces". I didn't find turning it on very intuitive, but otherwise I think it's pretty clever.

I already rely on Spaces for day-to-day organization (one per task) but each individual Space can become really hectic when you have several things to reference simultaneously (e.g. wikis, specs, Figma, Zeplin, screenshots, etc...). This cleaned everything up nicely without having to drag windows off the edges of the screen or risk minimizing / hiding and having them show up elsewhere.

It really needs a way to magnify the little previews though, either by hovering to peek them or just magnification the way it works in the Dock.

Yeah it won't hurt me because it will probably get ignored like many other window management options on the macOS. In the end of the day, it is just slightly more intuitive virtual desktop with continuity.

I would pay for fancyzones on macOS

Hey sometimes all you need is just one anchor point.

Do you have hobbies that you ceased to practice for whatever reason? Kids, career.

Maybe this is the time to pick it up again. Engage however you like, interact with the community when you feel like.

I signed up within the first few hours of beta announcement. Still haven't got it.

I understand they want to get it "right" before opening up to the majority, but project management isn't something a business can sit and wait. People have to use some other tool in the mean time, and once having invested time and effort they won't switch back easily.

"This website does not exist"

recursion paradox joke :)

Atwood's law is still accurate after more than a decade:

"Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript." - Jeff Atwood

source: https://blog.codinghorror.com/the-principle-of-least-power/

They are incentivized to avoid confrontation with the west. But the question is whether they will face confrontations.

Right after the Biden administration has taken over, we immediately see Myanmar Coup, Russian persecution of oppositions, China sailing to Japan's Senkaku Islands, not to mention China's constant provocation in Taiwan's airspace.

They are testing the limit the Biden administration. And if it's like the Obama era, the USA won't react in any meaningful manner. The EU, which looks up to the US, can't do much.

How will invading Taiwan benefit China?

I've understood it like this : Taiwan is a successful, politically stable liberal democracy. It's existence contradicts the CCP stance that democracy is inherently Western and inconsistent with Chinese culture. [* I have no citation for this, I feel I've read it multiple times ] The CCP stance delegitimises Taiwan and the example of Chinese democracy it represents. Military pressure adds to this, because it creates uncertainty that Taiwan will be able to maintain control over its territory in the future, and pushes Taiwan to need support from the US, which feeds the argument that it is not a true free standing Asian country, but an artefact of foreign incursion.

China is a big powerful country. But that shouldn't be surprising. I think you can argue that China has been the most important centre of human civilisation and scientific progress for most of human history.

I wonder whether the CCP are concerned that mainland Chinese would otherwise look across the Taiwan Strait, and rather than thank the CCP for the success of recent decades, would instead wonder how much better life might be if China was more like Taiwan.

They would control the most critical high tech manufacturing hub and significantly extend their base of operations.

That's the benefit. But what's the cost, and is the cost outweighed by the benefit?

Invading someone, particularly if you haven't practised, is expensive, difficult and prone to failure. And if you fail, you've shown impotence in public.

So maybe investing in your own high tech manufacturing is has a better chance of succeeding for the same level of effort, if you see what I mean.

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