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Between this, Elden Ring, and my rediscovery of FFXIV, I now firmly believe there's a global conspiracy to stop me from doing a single minute of work.

Hi, have you meet Wordle? :)

I was doing it daily for a while. For some reason the acquisition news made me stop, or maybe it was just the timing. Maybe it's time to get back into the zone.

But Wordle takes what 15 minutes of your day?

It's not just Wordle proper, though, it's all the variants...Nerdle, Worldle, Heardle, Dordle/Quordle/Octordle/etc...

Not even for the average HN user.

Hi, have you meet Semantle? :)

Another pro-therapy comment. CBT saved my life after I "discovered" I have OCD in college. Such a scary feeling to not understand the cause of my thoughts and behaviors. Using one's own knowledge as a toolset for self-improvement could work sometimes, but I don't consider therapy an "alternative" to that.

As an aside, therapy and psychiatry is expensive partly because insurance doesn't cover things that don't definitively 'treat' or 'cure' a diagnosed illness. Maybe times are changing, but my holistic psychiatrist explained this to me years ago. Psychiatry is more often covered, but psychology almost never. This is also why a search for 'in-network' therapists often leads you to pill-pusher types.

Finally a chance to remind a captive music-piracy-nostalgic audience that Soulseek is still alive and well!

THANK YOU for this recommendation. I've been trying numerous iTunes/"Music" alternatives but none have stuck, or their price point doesn't make sense for the offering. This looks perfect!

What about Clementine [https://www.clementine-player.org/]? I used to love Amarok, so been using Clementine on Linux for the last few months.

Can't forget the Clementine fork https://www.strawberrymusicplayer.org/

Ooh another good find. Like I mentioned above Clementine doesn't open at all for me, so maybe this is worth a shot.

Ah, wasn't even aware of a fork (but makes sense!).

I was excited by Clementine but it doesn't even open for me on this version of OS X unfortunately.

I'll be honest. I really like projects like these (Spacemacs is another one that comes to mind), I've been a Vim user for a decade or so. Now I use IntelliJ since I primarily work with Spring, but for other side projects or one-off tasks these setups are really cool.

That being said, if this is intended to be widely adopted/viewed like Spacemacs, the marketing and presentation need a bit of work. Between the 'Chad' signifier and the screenshots sharing a color scheme with a tricked-out desktop and other terminal tabs, it's hard to tell if this is a serious standalone project or, to be frank, someone just showing off.

I thought “Google” put this lie to bed. But anyways, this looks like a slightly self aware project that markets precisely to who it needs to, given the list of “Chad contributors”.

>the 'Chad' signifier

What do you mean by this?

Although at first I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt by thinking maybe it was made by someone named Chad or whatever, the name of their newest release ("MegaChad") points toward it being a reference to Chad Thundercock, a fictional character in a series of 4chan memes popular among members of the "incel" community. Probably not something a "serious" or "professional" project would choose.



Yeah, it has left the 4chan community and entered the mainstream quite some time ago; e.g. here (https://old.reddit.com/r/virginvschad/), and it even has derivatives now (https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/swole-doge-vs-cheems).

Yeah. It is general internet culture at this point.

Still not a great look though.

This is great for people who really want to hone their bird ID skills. Just plugging this for beginners to the hobby: Merlin by Cornell is great for easy bird ID, audio now included. https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/

I honestly can't believe all the praise for HTML and web on HN in the face of this awesome critique. I hugely appreciate the love for actual files.

>• PDFs are decentralised. You may have obtained this PDF from a website, or maybe not! Self-contained static files are liberating! They stand alone and are not dependent on being hosted by any particular web server or under any particular domain. You can publish to one host or to a thousand hosts or to none, and it maintains its identity through content-addressing, not through the blessing of a distributor.

This seems to have gotten lost in the offense everyone has taken over the choice to not use 'simple HTML', despite the document's clear reasoning that to do even that would embed the content deep in the 'urban web'. All of these simple-complex propositions about making some subset language or automating document flows are missing the point entirely.

> You can publish to one host or to a thousand hosts or to none, and it maintains its identity through content-addressing, not through the blessing of a distributor.

It kind of seems like you're describing IPFS, except with worse content addressing guarantees. The vast majority of your users will never check to see if a PDF's content actually match its content address.

> All of these simple-complex propositions about making some subset language or automating document flows are missing the point entirely.

Are they? It's really not that hard to build a self-contained HTML file, and to re-emphasize, signed PDFs and signed HTML files are about the same level of accessibility to most users. Web browsers don't really handle either, if you want those guarantees you need to use a protocol/technology with better support right from the start.

Also to be clear, despite the author's argument that PDFs can be self-contained, no browser guarantees that, and there's no way for me to tell if the PDF is self contained when I click on it in Firefox unless I download it and check it myself offline or in a viewer that guarantees it won't make network requests.

Nothing online that I'm aware of forces authors to use PDF/A, so when I download a PDF, I don't know what I'm getting. It's not actually the magical, re-hostable world that the author claims.

I'm not sure that people are missing the author's point so much as they're saying the author is making claims about the portability of PDFs that aren't necessarily accurate. Yes, it would be good to have better self-contained guarantees about some web-content, but I'm not sure PDFs actually supply any of those guarantees.

The author links out to a writeup on Safari 15 which I found interesting: https://morrick.me/archives/9368

One of the main bizarre design choices was making the address bar shrink as you add more tabs. It made me wonder if these designs reflect the diminution of sites visited in a modern internet user's session. Seems like we are moving from a mode of research-and-explore to residing in one of a few home bases (reddit, twitter, etc) and everything else is reached via Google search -> first result. Since information delivery is now so heavily tailored to a person's filter bubble, there's not as much need to stray. I'd love to read more about something like this.

I disagree with that article on the subject of Safari tab groups. I had already been grouping tabs by subject using separate windows, and now that tab groups let me rotate out sets without them all sitting in memory I’m using grouping more than ever. It’s been very effective at keeping the number of tabs in any given group/window low.

I still do old style internet search-and-explore, and that is also enhanced because I can tuck away my “everyday” tabs and tabs related to other subject and let the topic at hand dominate my browser, with as many tabs and windows as needed being opened with no worries about having to separate them out from the other stuff.

Oh for sure, and to clarify I'm not against the design changes! Tab groups are the logical next step in organizing thoughts-as-tabs and Firefox is sorely lacking in this capability in 2021.

Previous HN discussion on the topic:


That's true regarding 'residing' in home bases. I still remember how much personalities each different forums of specific interests have, but that's mostly filled by subreddits now.

It's a customized Android OS and firmware. Not sure how much more is okay to divulge.

Apple actually doesn’t expose this via any iOS APIs. Not 100% sure about Android.

Pretty sure Android does. TikTok knew my phone number before I gave it to them.

Could be as easy as a friend of yours uploading their whole address book (ostensibly “to find friends”)

On Android you need to give it the READ_PHONE_STATE permission.

Does it expose any sort of "device id"? Such ids are usually asked for by advertisers and iOS and Android gladly give it to them. I'm sure there are device-id to phone-number maps out there, and anyone with money can get access to them.

The device id that you can get via any SDK on ios is not real. And, even if you can get by any other means then Apple would not approve your app.

Consider _any_ app you've linked your email and phone number to, could (in theory) sell access to your data to any other company that only has your email, and they have both. Or (as another commentor noted) the great many apps that upload your (friends) entire contact list. Consider all the id's, fingerprinting techniques (etc) out there, juxtaposed against the high value that information has (in marketing / ad space) and it seems likely there are many ways to get this information, whether or not you provided it.

Unique device IDs are app-specific.

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