We do on-demand used motorcycle inspections. We're looking for a ruby/sinatra/mysql/jquery dev that also likes getting their hands dirty wrenching on motorcycles.
Unused road space is staring everyone in the face and only a small percentage of commuters are using it: motorcyclists. If you just took 10% of the cars off the road and had them riding and lane splitting instead, congestion would be reduced exponentially. The good news for Californians is that lane splitting is actually legal unlike every other backwards ass state.
You're about a decade too late. Back when Party Poker and Neteller was around, playing weak tight ala "winning low limit holdem" by lee jones was like printing cash.
And on a much shorter time-scale, similar to Clifford Simak's novel-ish collection of stories "City" from the 1940s onward:
The biggest benefit of riding is that you can cut your commute time in half if you're willing to lane split. There's also free parking everywhere if you know where to look. And don't forget you're getting a minimum of 60 MPG if you're riding a non supersport.
I live in Palo Alto and whenever I have to take a meeting in San Francisco, weather permitting, I hop on my bike and get up there.
Distinct advantages are not getting stuck on 101 especially on the 3rd street exit and easy parking -- just sneak between two cars. Time permitting, therapeutic to return by 280 or Skyline :)
ZenWrench - http://www.zenwrench.com
We do on-demand used motorcycle inspections. We're looking for a ruby/sinatra/mysql/jquery dev that also likes getting their hands dirty wrenching on motorcycles.
Questions? ccs@zenwrench.com