Seems like fun game, but the interface is not quite working on my iPhone 12: I can’t reach the hint button.
Also, I had to fill in the correct answer 2-3 times before it was accepted.
How would this actually work? It might actually be an issue on the other end: the people suggested to you have linked their email/FB accounts to LinkedIn, allowing LinkedIn to get their contacts and matching them against their database.
LinkedIn has just suggested I know my father through an email address I setup and tested once or twice several years ago using my Gmail account.
The address is used as the contact point for an enquiries button on a charity Web site - the actual address is obfuscated on the site and so the only way it could have leaked out is from my Gmail testing.
My father never uses the email account directly to send email and he's not on LinkedIn.
Good post, but I think the general (Dutch) public still thinks this is just about catching Bad People, not about control over the internet by governments.
By the time the people will get that they're being censored and controlled, it will be too late.
I think the post doesn't translate very well on a mailing list. Although there are (IMO) advantages to having an equal (ish) mix of the sexes on your team, it's not something I would claim as a perk in a job opening.
what exactly defines a "monthly user" for Opera and how is that measured? Is it based on usage statistics, or is it just number of installed/downloaded clients?