This is not a religious argument. The 14th amendment prohibits the states from depriving “any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” The first question is when does a fetus become a person. I don’t know the answer to that for absolute certainty and pretty sure everyone else commenting on this does not either. If we can agree that no single person can identify when a fetus becomes a person, keeping in mind lots of people think they know everything about all things. The ultimate question that needs be answered is what number of people need to agree when life begins? Only one person decides when life begin i.e. the mother, nine i.e. the Supreme Court, or thousands i.e. we the people vote on it. I would argue we in U.S. tend lean more towards the more significant the issue the more people are required for consensus.
It's been the religious right stated strategy for decades, I don't know how I could take any of your argument as credible without acknowledging that fact.
My friend, two things can be true at the same time. The religious right can have a strategy to end abortion for their own reasons and the 14th amendment can be an essential right that must be protected.
I Am Near is a platform that allows any type of digital content to be associated to a particular context where context is the intersection of who, when, and where. The first URL is the landing page the other URLs are test accounts that bypass authentication. For some reason the test URLs can be a bit touchy, ripping them out tonight, if you get a blank page just refresh.
I don't have a problem with the $3M, shrimp on a tread mill, or $3M for shrimp on a tread mill. The problem I have is I still don't know what this guy was trying to discover even after I read the article. If your going to ask tax payers for $3M do us all a favor and spend a couple of hundred explaining in layman's terms why!
This blog almost immediately reminded me of grandma’s speech to Gil in the movie Parenthood. “…that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited and so thrilled all together. some didn’t like it. they went on the merry-go-round. that just goes around… nothing… I like the roller-coaster. you get more out of it”. Yes, there is a giant mess around building applications for today’s users! But that is where is the fun, excitement, and innovation is coming from. If you require safe, secure, and boring I’m sure there is bank somewhere in the world that need a good COBOL developer.
Take it EASY everyone! They made a mistake, took responsibility for the error, resolved the issue, and compensated the user for his inconvenience. Good for them!
For posterity's sake, here are the sequence of events. Coinbase:
1) stopped replying to support emails even though there was a clear issue
2) only addressed the issue when the victim decided to submit his issue to HN (and only after it sat on the front page for nearly an hour
3) blamed a server upgrade and offered $50 of BTC when the actual loss was well north of $12K
4) only made the customer whole after many HN comments pointing out that the offer was paltry compared to the loss (and that they may potentially be pocketing the difference)
I applaud them for resolving the issue in a way that the victim wanted: "deliver the coins at the exact market price that they are at the moment you are crediting the account". However, this and similar issues in the past have raised red flags that haven't be adequately addressed:
A) why did customer support go dark? I suspect the reaction would be different if they were more proactive
B) as mentioned in , why doesn't Coinbase have the infrastructure to detect these issues? This is really basic accounting, and if they can't get it right on a small scale why would anyone trust them with more money?
C) what steps were taken to prevent this from happening in the future? I imagine that there will be more server upgrades as Coinbase expands.
D) What is their future policy regarding similar issues? Based on their initial reaction, one should not expect much if any compensation.
E) Will it take an HN post in the future to get their attention?
And looking back at some of the comments in a conversation from 270 days ago ( it seems that Coinbase hasn't actually learned from the previous issues.
> You have a company trying to start up in a very tough space where you need to be super-reliable and super-transparent. Coinbase's actions this entire week were neither.
> Edit: your bitcoin credit has now been processed. It looks like as we were performing server upgrades last week a handful of jobs didn't run as normal. We should have certainly caught it and responded sooner so that was our fault. My deepest apologies for the delay and trouble on that. We've credited $50 worth of bitcoin to your account for the trouble, as a small way of saying thank you for bearing with us.
This was understood to mean that Coinbase would honor the original price (868.91) and not the current price. The general impression was that Coinbase made the purchase at the current price (roughly 550) and is honoring the other price (868.91), which would mean that OP lost about (868.91-550)*40 = 12756.40 (and Coinbase would be pocketing the difference).
People correctly noted that Coinbase's move was entirely inappropriate, and they were forced to change course (note the "Edit2"):
> Edit2: we'll push through the bitcoin credit at today's price instead of the original buy price (which should be in your favor) since the mistake was on our part.
The general policy with most financial firms is that firm errors should be resolved in a way that benefits the customer (so in this case, if BTC actually increased in price, Coinbase should honor the original trade price)
Only because HN kicked up a fuss about it - someone elsewhere in the thread claims they experienced the same delay but were only credited Bitcoins at the locked-in price, causing them a big loss[1]
I think this is an amusing idea; however the truth is most people are not meant to be programmers. For those of you in the industry think back to your first couple of programming classes and the people who could not grasp the idea of a FOR LOOP. There was a small group of people who could do it and larger group that just couldn’t. It’s not personal, I was never meant to play basketball it is what it is.