"Nice" is a very subjective concept and can be used to describe people in both complimentary and derogatory ways. In my experience niceness and competence are in no way correlated – I have known nice people who were good at their jobs and assholes who were good at their jobs, as well as some of both who were terrible at their jobs. It is perfectly possible to be both competent and nice.
Given the choice between two persons of equal competence, where one is nice and one is not, I would be surprised if anybody chose the less nice one, all other things being equal.
I suggest continuing to be genuine, rather than focusing on "niceness", and not allowing a single comment on the internet to make you feel self-conscious about your character.
Perhaps you are kind, which is a great way to be. Niceness is artificial, while kindness is a genuine, caring trait. There was a thread on the distinction yesterday: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40696801
One of the biggest problems I run into with Web Components is how to share common CSS styles between them. I understand that goes against the idea that each web component should be encapsulated, but sometimes this is desirable.
Say you have a component library where each component depends on a base set of styles and you don't want to load duplicate styles for each component.
There are plenty of use cases so I'm sure it varies.
For example, I often have my browser on the left side and my editor on the right. With only 50% of the width, I sometimes prefer to reclaim the horizontal space and switch back to horizontal tabs.
It's bad for them because their support matrix still includes versions of Node and webpack that haven't been in even LTS support for years at this point.
It's great that they want to support such a long tail. I know that makes a lot of developers very happy that they can rely on that.
In my experience ESM is not painful at all if you can rip the bandaid off and drop Webpack 4 (and below) and any version of Node less recent than current LTS. That's a lot easier done in greenfield projects than those that have long tail support matrices to contend. Brownfield projects should get better as more and more of that tail dies off.
opposite issue, webpack doesn't output plain ESM code for libraries (IE, no __webpack__require__ etc.). Its both experimental and sometimes completely incorrectly generated, while still generating library code with webpack specific references.
What if you're both? This makes me feel self-conscious about being "nice" and toning it down.