I wanted to share a little write-up about building a queue system that uses Supabase Postgres database triggers, functions, edge functions and realtime.
The funny part of this whole thing. Is that the same people that all they do is complain about privacy concerns by Apple and Alexa etc. here on HN are the same people that consistently downvote anything I say that is anti-vaccine. I thought this community knew no blind spots. Even if I am dead wrong on my stance, the concept that it gets downvoted just because I have a differing opinion is pathetic.
Surely you're not making this statement in good faith because the same virus that gave you Chicken Pox can lay dormant in your body until it reactivates and causes Shingles:
No comorbidity has caused the life of thousands of people. Drinking slurpies and eating ding-dongs all day, the chickens have come home to roost. 80% of Covid deaths involved obese people. Stop blaming people who won't get the vaccine for the troubles. I got Covid from a friend who had the vaccine, lo and behold, we had the exact same symptoms, including losing taste, fever, cold sweats, etc., and he actually had it a little worse because he had headaches from it as well. Vaccine works, mmmhmm, ok, better get booster 3 and 4 and 5...to be sure.
> Across the entire spectrum you're at less risk from the vaccine than you are from the disease.
The current survival rate from the virus is at around 99.2%. The vaccine may or may not have long term health effects. How is taking the virus head on less risky?
Anyway, the other point is that that number is the overall IFR. If, like me, you know you're in a category that has almost no risk from COVID, then it's even more of a no-brainer. That's why it's completely absurd that the GP tried to tell me that I'm at less risk from the vaccine from the disease, when they don't know my age, # of comorbidities, metabolic health, past SARS-2 infection status, past non-SARS-circulating-hCoV infection status, etc. They simply don't know what they're talking about.
Because we know for sure that Covid infection causes significant long term damage in at least 10% of cases.
So if you want brain damage, scarred lungs, or some other organ malfunction, Covid infection is the way to go.
And the longer term risks are still unknown.
Which is why it's insane to play evidence-free yes-but-what-if FUD games about vaccine safety when the risks of infection are already known to be high for the survivors.
> Because we know for sure that Covid infection causes significant long term damage in at least 10% of cases.
Where are you getting your information? Your mayoclinic link doesn't make this 10% claim, nor did you provide any citation for it. I'm genuinely shocked by how divorced from the clinical reality your claims are.
SARS-1, which is SARS-2's less infectious but much more deadly older brother, didn't even cause long-term damage in 10% of cases. And you're trying to claim it for SARS-2, which is a virus where many who are infected will never even know they had it (if they don't get tested)?
Your claims are unfounded and, quite frankly, simply false. There's nowhere near 10% occurrence of "brain damage", scarred lungs, or "some other organ malfunction". (The vagueness of your terminology betrays you, btw)
Since you almost certainly haven't read any literature, let me provide you some reading material. I'll stick to just the lung issues subclaim. Some of these are on the older side but they're still relevant:
["Follow-up Chest CT findings from discharged patients with severe COVID-19: an 83-day observational study"](https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-27359/v1) - First Submitted May 4 2020, Published online May 12 2020
> Radiological abnormalities in patients of severe COVID-19 could be completely absorbed with no residual lung injury in more than two months’ follow-up.
^ note this is severe COVID-19, so that's from a population selected for severity of symptoms and they're still recovered by 2 months.
> Preliminary evidence suggests that these lung function abnormalities will improve over time
Conclusive evidence suggests that people who get vaccinated don't get lung function abnormalities. Why are you so dead set on refusing to get a vaccine haha? It takes a few minutes, it's free, and it's really not that big a deal. There's really no good reason not to get one.