As far as I naively understand, the number of distinct colors in a digital image is limited, so the "log" mode is using the available color space in such way that there are more details preserved in highlights and shadows. but then "color grading" or "color look up table" needs to be applied, to recover the original colors, because the "log" video looks greyish and washed out.
Like sibling posts say, inflamed gut leaks histamine, inflames it more and leaks more. Try low histamine and in general low processed and spicy food diet for a while to reset this feedback cycle. Good start:
I tried a low histamine diet for a few months. Including DAO enzymes and histamine lowering probiotics. Didn't seem to make a difference for me. Eventually I found out that spicy food actually helps me a lot: it's anti-inflammatory and prokinetic.
After 6 months of testing different diets to try to solve my migraines, I eventually discovered an ultra-low histamine diet resulted in a ~90% decrease in my headaches. Then I began trying different DAO products before eating foods with histamine, but the headaches returned. I eventually discovered NaturDAO (available via Amazon) and its much higher 1,000,000 HDU per pill. Taking two of these before any meal or coffee finally worked to stop the food-induced migraines for me. Hope this helps.
For theoretical future operational purposes I'd imagine they'd still want to be able to use this when planes are flying. But could likely track planes and adjust the beam slightly to avoid them, or just disable the system for the rare couple of seconds when a plane is in the exact wrong place (in front of the beam).