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I originally did this simple layout in 2012 (simple white, grid of projects) - https://www.bennyschmidt.com/ and have several times tried to more exciting things with Three.js, or the ole make my site look like an OS to showcase my UI skills thing, etc. but no matter how impressive these experiments are I get the most compliments on this one.

Nothing over the top just "I took a look at your site and loved X" "Nice portfolio!" "You have a good eye for design"

But I never got any comments on anything super creative and flashy. When I was exclusively looking for work in games my site was a game, but nobody cared. To game people it wasn't AAA and to tech people it wasn't Apple.

Seems like simple and easy is best.

When I have hired designers or FE devs I don't even interview them if they don't have a personal site.

HN is deleting comments and censoring it. If the story got bigger they'll mark this as "dupe" and put their bots all over their version of coverage. Joke

Why would HN be interested in deleting comments about this? Looks like there was a discussion previously, although not regarding the deal:


We aren't deleting comments about this. The complaint is made up.

Gaslight all you want (few believe it anymore). You can see deleted comments yourself but chose to omit that from your reply. Maybe everyone deleted their comments at once? And it was removed from the front page after it was getting upvotes - you moved it from the front page within a few minutes. Gaslight away, wonder how that will scale

That's not the same story, but it leaves a clue:

> Character.AI co-founder Daniel De Freitas is also joining Google with some other employees from the startup. Dominic Perella, Character.AI’s General Counsel, is becoming an interim CEO at the startup.

This story that I shared completes the picture: Character.AI was effectively acquired by Google for $2.7B. Nobody needs to know though you're right, just hide this article and delete any critical replies.

Anyone who grew up with artist impressions and scientific guesses about Pluto was quite surprised when the first close-up photos of Pluto were released. NASA was very wrong about how it looked and what it was made of.

The blue we all thought it was came from its atmosphere as seen from far away, not because it was an icy world reflecting blue light through ice and snow - the ice and snow on its planetary surface is a lot more red and brown like Titan because it's methane (like on Titan, and presumably by the color of Europa, on Europa too).

I know we have high fidelity photos of [a reddish brown] Europa, but when I was younger seeing those documentaries of the "oceans under the surface" they were always depicted as blue with alien-looking dolphins swimming through them. To this day they claim it's composed of "water ice", despite being that color in the newer high definition photos.

Another commenter here said "it's an awful odd color for ice" - it's probably methane, like Pluto and Titan, not water ice. Maybe I'm overly skeptical, but just connecting dots.

Product Hunt is paid ads too, they make money by promoting posts (they're like "no gimmicks!" but nope - gimmicks)

I would only use Product Hunt if you're targeting Silicon Valley audiences. In general even with physical ads consider the network/reach/visibility and who the audience is.

My previous employer needs this.

I won't tell them :) :D >:D :|

Smart plug! And cool idea, going to watch some over coffee tomorrow :)

Morning live stream of trying products would be awesome

> Morning live stream of trying products would be awesome

Love this idea!

> And cool idea, going to watch some over coffee tomorrow

Thanks! Happened to just start doing it by accident and people seem to really love it (but HN mods hate it for some reason, so had to start our own site for it).

Would love to have more people recording and posting their tries!

I agree with you and I know a lot of other people do too but are afraid to speak up in support. Really sick of the arbitrary censorship on this site.

HN mods are just as biased/arbitrary (and terrible) as the worst Reddit mods. The two companies are basically one-in-the-same as they are both deeply backed by MIT and thus the CIA/military intelligence apparatus.

Both HackerNews and Reddit are interested in shutting down conversation/information.

Out of curiosity why WhatsApp vs regular SMS (via Twilio)?

SMS behaves different in different countries. If I take a single country's number then international charges may apply if a non-resident sends me a message.

Also, interactive elements like buttons/images etc. are not supported.

Of course HN flags posts that go against their agenda but will never admit it. They also selectively ban, while allowing certain users to go crazy on commenters.

Again HN will never admit this - it's way easier to gaslight you by using fake user accounts with high reputations, and just downvote/flag/dead comments like this one.

"vote ups good... vote downs bad..." No reading comprehension needed folks.

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