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Looks awesome. Is it from a fixed perspective only? If not should show the camera rotation in the video demos so it's clear how it could be used.

Would be curious to see how it looks from different angles etc. as the light changes.

3 brands who specialize in branding and I've never heard of any of them.

strange. They told me they've never heard of you either.

Who do you think you are? ROFL

As far as I know we've never met, have I upset you somehow? Please refer to these guidelines on how to make meaningful comments https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html

If you have any questions about the project happy to discuss. Have a great day :)

It's amazing that solving death and aging is not Goal #1 of every rich and poor person on the planet. Death is coming for you and you're trying to get rich? Engaging in politics? Fighting? What's that gonna do when you're falling apart in real time?

We're all dying fast. Medical industry can't stop it either, they don't know how. Nobody does.

Yet nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.

That’s what bugs me about gen ai. How is it that all these resources are being used on recreating things that humans already do and not entirely focused on aging, health, and the climate?

We already have artists, we don’t have a cure for what we’ve done to the climate. It’s frustrating.

Even if you could solve aging, you could never solve death. Probability and entropy will catch up with you eventually.

I think that most people over a certain age are quite aware of their own mortality, and are looking to bring meaning to the time that they have.

> eventually

I'll take millions of years instead of 75 thanks

> looking to bring meaning to the time that they have

Everybody says something like this in response to this kind of question about death/aging - or they go all religious on me talking about Jesus etc.

I'm like "what is 2 + 2" and half or more of the people go "I like cake"

Some[1] do invest, others don’t. Personally, I see myself on the poor side, rather than the rich side and what I care about is having a good life however short it is. Family, friends and adventure. I don’t believe in the afterlife in any form and I wish I could live forever with my loved ones but I’ve also accepted it’s natural to die. Maybe one day we will overcome death and we will live until the heat death of the universe. Meh.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calico_(company)

Invest? No that aint it.

I'm talking about the poignant reality that you, me, and everyone on this website will be gone in a matter of decades (or less).

Half or more believe that upon death they will be instantly transported to a GOLDEN CITY (unless you're bad, then you go to FIRE CITY!) forever. "Gold good... fire bad..." yeah totally not made up guys sounds real.

For everyone else it's MasterCard - distractions.

I love how people are like "there's no use case" and there's already products on shelves. I see AI art everywhere, AI writing, customer support - already happened. You guys are naysaying something that already happened people already replaced jobs with LLMs and already profit due to AI. There are already startups with users where you provide a OPENAI_API_KEY, or customers where you provide theirs.

If you can't see how this tech is useful Idk what to tell you, you have no imagination AND aren't looking around you at the products, marketing, etc. that already exists. These takes remind me of the luddites of ~2012 who were still doubting the Internet in general.

> I see AI art everywhere, AI writing, customer support - already happened.

Is any of it adding value though? I can see that AI has made it easier to do SEO spam and make an excuse for your lack of customer support, just like IVR systems before it. But I don't believe those added any real value (they may have generated profits for their makers, but I think that was a zero- or negative-sum trade). Put it this way: is AI being used to generate anything that people are actually happy to receive?

> But I don't believe those added any real value (they may have generated profits for their makers, but I think that was a zero- or negative-sum trade).

Okay, so some people are making money with it, but no true value was added, eh?

Do new scams create value? No, even though they make money for some people. The same with speculative ventures that don't pan out. You can only say something's added value when it's been positive sum overall, not just allowed some people to take a profit at the expense of others.

There is a difference between “being useful” and living up to galactic-scale hype.


You've continued to break the site guidelines, not just with this account but with others like https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41681416, and ignored our requests to stop.

Between that and the personally abusive emails you've been sending, it's clear that you don't want to use HN as intended, so I've banned the accounts.


They assume you'll get the hint, eventually.

The utility of LLMs clearly exists (I'm building a product on this premise, so I'm not uninterested!)

But hype also exists. How closely they are matched is not yet clear.

But your comment seems to indicate that the "pro-tech" position is automatically the best. This is _not_ true, as cryptocurrency has already demonstrated.

Funny thing is you are actually the pro [corporate] tech one, not on the side of freedom. Furthermore nobody said anything about crypto - you are seriously grasping at straws. You have said nothing about the products on shelves (billions of dollars in the industry already) argument, only presented crypto as an argument which has nothing to do with the conversation.

> This is _not_ true, as cryptocurrency has already demonstrated.

His whole argument against AI is basically the anti-tech stance: "Well crypto failed that means AI will too" It's coming from a place of disdain for technology. That's your typical Hacker News commenter. This site is like Fox News in 2008 - some of the dumbest people alive

Not at all! I am broadly speaking very pro-tech.

What I am against is the “if it’s tech it’s good” mindset that seems to have infected far too many. I mention crypto because it’s the largest example of tech that is not good for the world.

You’re certainly able to sus out everything about my worldview, knowledge level and intentions from my one-sentence comment.

The only thing that LLMs are at risk of subverting is the livelihood of millions of people. AI is a capital intensifier, so the rich will get richer as it sees more uptake.

About copyright - yeah, I’m quite concerned for my friends who are writers and artists.

> You'll get left behind with these takes, it's not smart. If you don't care about advancing technology or society then have fun being a luddite, but you're on the wrong side of history.

FWIW I work in applied research on LLMs.

Oh please the content online now is so fake as hell. You're acting as if AI can only produce garbage but CNN and Fox News are producing gold. The internet is 4 total websites now, congrats big media won. And you want to shut down the only decent attempt against it. Shame on you "hackers"

> Unfortunately, the internet is running a bit short on well-intentioned people

The haters on this thread including you are not "well-intentioned" so I guess you have a point. Nobody makes you act this way though. It's largely regional/age-based too. There are many millions of people who don't act like the typical Reddit/HN armchair expert and aren't drawing swastikas in YouTube live chats. And there are easy ways of filtering out genuine spam.

HN/Reddit "spam filters" goes far beyond filtering spam to restrict any opinion they don't like. An approach I think is far worse for the internet than whatever you're referring to.

Same here hungry neigh thirsty for prompt-2-film

"output a 90 minute harry potter sequel to the final film starring the original actors plus Tom Hanks"

So many haters in here hahah I think it's a cool project and was a creative blog post. Reminds me of the early days of the web.

Ignore these insufferable know-it-all haters on Hacker News. These people are the worst! Some aren't even real people.

The ones that are bots are probably HN itself because https://greenwich-for-chrome.replit.app/ is a threat. This is the coolest part IMO, has Twitter or HN like potential.

We don't hate it, we just know it's going to be hijacked by SEO bros.

Appreciate it!

Sure thing, just installed the extension and tried a few! Kinda like Pinterest + HackerNews I dig

OpenAI is losing billions in the way Uber lost billions - through poor management.

When/if Altman ever gets out of the way like Travis K did with Uber then the real business people can come in and run the company correctly. Exactly like what happened with Uber - who never turned a profit under that leadership in the US and had their lunch eaten by a Chinese knock-off for years abroad. Can't have spoiled brats in charge, they have no experience and are wasteful and impulsive. Especially like Altman who has no engineering talent either. What is his purpose in OpenAI? He can't do anything.

It goes something like this: Rich people make up the rules as they go

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