Some of Tagore's work is available as volunteer-recorded public domain mp3 and ogg files from -- the recordings for Tagore's book "Sadhana: The Realization of Life" are very well done, by a volunteer named Peter Yearsley
Ah but that cursed SMS still exists on dumbphones. I'd like to see alternatives to the John's Phone[1] which just gives us the basic calling functionality, all we really need.
the <cloud> element solves the problem of polling, it lets you subscribe to feed-updated notifications and read the feed only when it changes.
also, Atom has threading and RSS has some community efforts underway to make "replies" decentralized and aggregable (new word)
I interviewed for a job @Twilio - they were using Handlebars, a Mustache variant. Also, here is my mini-chance to rant about that: I had 4 phone and 6 in-person interviews -- didn't get hired. Argh! How could anyone make it through that? Also - i'm a generalist, which seems to have kept me out of both Facebook and Twilio. /rant