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Because you realize the Drs. are proxies for hospitals and err on the side of hospital stay despite quality of life balance.

They follow guardrails closely aligned with insurance and liability too. Unfortunately.

Oddly houses in Dallas are going with white brick and pure black rooftops. Looks hideous to me and not solving our plight.

Some modern neighborhoods are trying living roofs with grass. Haven't taken off and the grass hasn't survived either.

Lastly, other day saw post about leaving grass uncut reduced surface temps notable amount.

Came here looking for this angle. Seeing doctors now feels like talking to someone who has memorized an actuary-like table for the doctor's risk/reward versus patients benefit/outcome as in the past.

Have a torn meniscus and given age is dumped into "excise meniscus tear" bucket. While Dr knows that shortens the path to knee replacement (which he no less pointed out on several occasions).

Going to Dr. Now seems like you are a walking revenue center vs. patient in need.

(ps. Many current accredited studies suggest repair attempt vs. removal)

At least it's not Arial-like.

JnJ has a AI based anethesioligist tool which can monitor all patient data and provide exacting levels of care beyond what an anethesioligist can do.

Of course... The Drs pushed back and threatened to find alternative drugs and products if JnJ didn't relent from trying to get this tool in hospitals.

Suffice it to say.. we don't see any of them in hospitals.

Seems to make sense. They have the customer record and can be forward facing dataset for what is usually most critical piece of data for businesses. A Snowflake or Palantir with Custdb already exposed and integrated in workflow doesn't sound bad to me.

0 for 5 questions. I gave up.

Came here to see comments about pricing. I think inline with others.Expected a nominal 1 time fee. Probably up to $60. $30/mo is more than Photoshop.

A comment to address the pricing that everyone is complaining about:

A web designer/developer in a decent, profitable company is probably getting paid $100k at least.

Assuming 250 working days a year with 8 hours a day of paid time, that's roughly $0.8/minute.

If this tool saves that person 90 seconds a day finding and tweaking things in a design then it's saving more than $30/month worth of their time.

It's quite cheap.

The fact Adobe charge waaaaaaay too little for PS is another matter entirely.

> A web designer/developer in a decent, profitable company is probably getting paid $100k at least.

In the US maybe. Definitely not here in Italy and probably in most of Europe.

Even if someone is paid 1/3 of the US wage it only means you need to save 3* as much time. It's still quite cheap.

> If this tool saves that person 90 seconds a day finding and tweaking things in a design then it's saving more than $30/month worth of their time.

As pointed out elsewhere, it's saving the business more than $30/m, not the developer.

The developer doesn't get to pocket the savings. Their reward for "saving" 4 hours a week is an extra 4 hours of work per week.

Can we rename to Glengarry leads?

You don’t get the Glengarry leads. Because to give them to you … would be throwing them away.

Back in my old network engineering job at MCI, there was a secret Prism project. Rumors claimed it was to optically split the fiber without introducing delay for eavesdropping.

I'm sure naming is related and glad to see the initiative.

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