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And it's the promoters, on behalf of the artists, who helped secure all those exclusive deals.

Taylor Swift didn't become a billionaire because of Ticketmaster fees.

`g ctrl-g` will do it, but i can barely remember that, so i end up doing `!wc %`

Of course data was used, but you may have the order of operations wrong; execs often make the decision before the data.

Given the nature of programmers, I think the bigger threat is that AI makes the jobs so mind numbingly boring and unchallenging that they quit before AI gets the chance to replace them.

Shkreli is live streaming this right now and somebody on his voice chat just said to him "No offense Martin, but you're probably the last person I would go to if I had incontrovertible evidence of Satoshi's identity"

For all the horrendous shit that this Shkreli guy is known for, I always think of his Microsoft Excel skills first.

I always wonder why people are so impressed about his excel skills.

I have seen many people in BI being much better. He just knows his shortcuts and pivot tables, this is standard stuff.

And the mayor discipline, if anything, are customized macros which run cross device for a whole department, like opening one reports, filtering the data, creating a new file with a date stamp etc and sending reports and stats.

It doesn't impress me now but it was the first exposure I had to see Excel being used fluently. I later learned that it was very common in the world of finance and nothing exactly impressive. It's like how I impress somebody with my mediocre sql skills until they see a real dba in action.

Pilots are truly some of the craziest people around. Just last summer, a guy flew a Cessna 172 from California to Hawaii.


How the $*^% is that possible...

Are there any more details available about this, or is there just that FlightAware log? How does one ensure they have enough fuel to do this?!

You remove the back seats and replace them with auxiliary fuel tanks. Typically this is done by couriers delivering aircraft for sale - the seats are then shipped separately as freight.

That's absolutely incredible. Thank you for sharing this! He was able to get 2500 miles of range by going from ~50 gallons to ~200 gallons. Talk about "hacker mentality"!

That's only around 12.5mpg, which is surprisingly low fuel efficiency.

People fly small single engined planes from Nunavut to Greenland to Europe on a fairly regular basis.

A friend of mine did this for a living in his early 30's, he said those flights are probably the most dangerous things he's done in his life. He'd fly commercial to Canada, scout around for a good plane, arrange the sale and the various bits and pieces of paperwork, strip it down as much as possible, install extra fuel tanks and some other gear, then go to Halifax, check the plane over once more and then start puddle jumping hop by hop until reaching continental Europe. You could not pay me enough to try a stunt like that, let alone several times.

If he was flying Halifax-Newfoundland-Greenland-Europe the planes must not have been too small, because the Newfoundland to the next hop distance is quite large. The absolute shortest single leg distances involve going through Iqaluit and then Greenland.

Interesting, I don't know what planes he was ferrying, and we lost contact years ago (I moved to Canada myself, he moved somewhere else in NL) so I can't ask. Possibly he did what you suggested, it would make good sense. Quite possibly Halifax was mentioned as the last stop before the end of civilization in terms of repairs and spare part availability, but I'm very sure he came through there.

It is an interesting thing though, the same planes that go fairly cheap in Canada are worth a fortune here in Europe so there definitely is money to be made.

And maybe they are smarter than humans - they are playing the long game. They know they will still be here after humans wipe themselves out

I think this is one of the better lists out there. I own almost all of the books in this list.

But don't get your hopes up too much. I'm still a lousy programmer.

Was he sent by Mitch and Murray?

for $199, you'd think Nova would be mobile friendly. Maybe this has changed? When we tried it last year, we were quite shocked it had no responsive design support.

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