This last past year, at DjangoCon US • Chicago, I had the pleasure of sitting at the same table as Jacob Kaplan-Moss for the Speakers dinner prior to the conference. Very cool experience. My first.
I brought up Flask and asked him what he thought of it. I had recently used it for a project for the first time and likely only did so because I was SUPPOSE TO BE FOCUSING on Django and preparing a talk about it. So naturally, I procrasinated and did everything but. It's been on my radar for awhile. I was attracted to it by it's documentation. Turns out, I really enjoyed it. It felt familiar because I've used Django for so long. I brought this up at the dinner table.
Jacob said something that took me by surprise. I can't quote him exactly--the wine and drinks were too good that evening, but it was something to the effect of "Flask is what Django should have been". Another fellow from our table chimed in and added "If only Django had existed before we created Django!" What he ment was, without Django, Flask wouldn't of had such a clear and smooth start. Django taught us a lot.
What I took from this was, both have their place and we have a lot to be thankful for, especially coming from the Django community. In regards to longevity, I think community is a major factor but these two technolgoies are both under Python, and I think the Python community at-large is what matters here. Hearing what Jacob had to say on Flask was sobering. There is no end-all-be-all, and both of these technolgoies have more in common than not.
There's something on the fringe of MLP fandom that is often used to discredit MLP fandom. It is really something that ought not to be brought up here, but since I think someone will, I'll try to make an oblique reference to it: Rule 34.
For mainstream fans it's really quite simple. Some extremely talented adults made a children's show. People of all ages enjoy and appreciate their work.
If it exists, there is porn of it. If that's the argument against it, you can't have a logo, or icon or image of anything, ever.
Besides rule 34 ponies isn't what is leveled against the fandom. It's the 'fact' that they're all pedophiles. Pedophiles that apparently want to broadcast this fact.
Nah, things just get out of style from time to time. A great example I can think of is a cooking show on YouTube that started during the height of the zombie-revival, but now it just seems awkward that zombies are part of a cooking show at all. The time passed and the style changed.
Coming from a teenager, this article makes sense and I enjoyed the point of view, but this is horrible advice, D. Marshall Lemcoe Jr. You should consider letting this one hit the floor.
meh. It's your computer. We really should be allowed to use it however we wish, if whatever it is you're doing is fostering innovation or solving problems.
Maybe it should be looked at on a per-app basis. or company. Apple should have relationships with these very talented software shops. They should of course not support anything that would cause harm. In my wildest dreams, right?