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Potentially dumb question: if there are 21 million bitcoins (and therefore 21 million bitcoin addresses), would that limit bitcoin's efficiency as a medium of exchange? Ie wouldnt there be potentially billions of transaction moving through a financial system powered by bitcoin daily? (Apologies in advance for any flawed assumptions).

The flawed assumption is "and therefore 21 million Bitcoin addresses". Generate an RSA keypair, and give out the hash of the public key (encoded in a Bitcoin-specific way). Anyone can send you Bitcoins there now.

I found mine washed up on a beach in a waterproof case (had no way of identifying the true owner). No idea how long it had been floating in the ocean before it washed up on the beach, but it works perfectly.

GoPro have a serial registry. Maybe you want to inquire to find the original owner?


Wasn't that the strategy prior to the SOPA vote when Wikipedia blacked out? It seems the strategy is more to give everyday internet users an idea of what life would be like if this was passed.

These also allow for deductions at Tesla's applicable plain vanilla debt rate, which would be much higher than the cash interest rate on the notes (by using a call spread on top of the embedded option). So there's a tax arbitrage as well.

Source: I used to structure and sell these for a living

"In connection with the offering of the notes, Tesla intends to enter into convertible note hedge transactions and warrant transactions, which are generally expected to prevent dilution up to approximately 100% over the common stock price at the time of pricing of the notes due 2019 and 120% over the common stock price at the time of pricing of the notes due 2021. Tesla intends to use a portion of the proceeds from the offering to pay the net cost of the convertible note hedge transactions. In connection with establishing their initial hedge of the convertible note hedge and warrant transactions, the hedge counterparties or their affiliates expect to enter into various derivative transactions with respect to our common stock concurrently with or shortly after the pricing of the notes, including with certain investors in the notes."

Billy... it's David Cheng (Hans' buddy). BofA tech ECM desk, FTW.

Ha, amazing. FTW for sure! Hope you're well.

I always wish stuff like this happened to me on the internet.

Lawrence! You're exactly the same as I remember.

Get it?

Oh, I get it. I get it a lot.

Good point. I'd love to the mobility data graphed against female participation in the workforce over the same time period.

Here's the local Charlottesville paper, usually breaks stories sooner than the national press


I've used this service in New York and found it a beneficial networking tool. Clearly, some individuals hosting on the platform will have more to offer via their networks or experience than others and those high value time slots will be harder to come by as the service grows. That said, the potential for a serendipitous meeting to create value for someone just starting out, or simply seeking advice, can be big especially when one keeps an open mind and goes in with little or no expectations.

Profitable, yes. Vulnerability to competitive threats looking to undercut its position in the market, also yes. Zynga is a media company, and as such it's competitive advantage lies in its ability to use the FB graph and continue to pump out games. Will people get tired the constant barrage of new titles in the same way Facebook's users are starting to tire its core product? I would speculate yes, but that remains to be seen.

How about being a single parent too. Regardless, all commendable.

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