They don't mention their false negative rate, nor any of the rates for competing tech. So we can't say that this device catches the one in X that other machines don't catch. And we can't say that this machine finds 1 in 1,000, where competing machines only finds 1 in 100,000.
In theory early detection is good, but I'm not sure what treatment is available if cells are found this early ad the stress for the other 1,000 people is going to be significant.
Might not look cool, but if the iPhone dock was on the top part of the body (on the thin surface, rather than on the body surface), then you would be able to look at the iPhone as you're playing. Currently, you can either look at the strings or on the iPhone, where you almost have to look backwards to look at the iPhone. As a beginner guitar player, learning would be easier if I could see the tabs and my strings at the same time. my 2c.
1 of 1M - [false-positive cell] to [cells tested]
So, given my poor stats background and guessing what that means...
1B - cells tested
1k - false-positive cells
1 - pre-cancerous cell
20T - ALL cells tested
20M - false-postive cells
20k - pre-cancerous cells