While resources are fundamentally the same across clouds (i.e. they're all VMs, they all have firewalls etc), they are vastly different concepts and have different feature sets. It's almost impossible to do a like for like api call between two providers.
However, you can develop cloud agnostic modules that you can then consume, which allows for a decent cloud-agnostic experience.
Heh, I struggle figure out what is a real review and what is a paid for ad. It's sad to the point where I've pretty much given up because of the sheer amount of time it would take to do the research. Instead I opt to go for Amazon's competitors (e.g. Currys and Argos for us in the UK) and pick something there. They're a little more vetted, and less likely to be knock off or something.
I never understood why that's the case. Is it not to encourage unlawful activity?
Stealing an example from mr robot, if I break into someone's computer and find evidence that proves they are trafficking underage photos, I don't see why that proof should be ignored , in any circumstances.
Sure, charge me as well with breaking into someone's computer, if you can catch me, but don't dismiss my evidence.
Sure, and that's probably best. In my original comment, I specifically mentioned that what the FBI is asking for is reasonable providing there is a warrant, which would imply that they're gathering evidence lawfully.
I think the main problem is that we allow the justice system to step on private companies.
I think the company owning the data should be able to decide whether to give the data and aid the investigation or not (which is something that affect their reputation and that they can tell their customers, either as an advantage or a disadvantage)
> why not just do a bash script with a switch in it?
Because with bash scripts you'd be re-inventing the wheel when it comes to dependencies, among other things.
Make certainly might not be the right tool for having a bunch of "dev commands" that aren't targets/recipes, but bash isn't it either. There is plenty of task runners that allow you to have a single source of truth for dev commands.
Most "dependencies" in the makefiles I see which are like this are just other phony targets. In bash you can do this with functions, and if you're worried they'll get ran more than once you can write another 1 line function which only runs a function if it hasn't been ran yet during that execution of the script.
In fact, nothing is stopping people from using make for some things and leaving the bulk of everything else to a separate shell script.
Octopus Deploy and TeamCity are horrific. Jenkins is hilarious better despite all of its flaws. Concourse CI has a higher learning curve than Jenkins (at least for users, not necessarily admins), but once you get it, it's definitely a good contender. CircleCI is great!
I'm European-Kurd, and had to travel to Kurdistan Region (northern Iraq) for my sister's wedding a few years before I had to go to the US. I was denied my ESTA without a refund (it was $20 iirc, so not a huge amount but as someone who had just graduated, every penny counted for me) due to this exemption. Had to get a full visitors visa to go which took a lot longer, and was way more expensive. The exemption, which was put in place due to ISIS in 2013, seems reasonable though unfortunate.
I don't understand the love for hCaptcha. The only thing it has going for it is being outside of the Google brand and that it is cheaper. Outside that, we don't know that they don't do the same shady shit Google does, they're equally as bad as reCaptcha, and they're equally inaccessible.
However, you can develop cloud agnostic modules that you can then consume, which allows for a decent cloud-agnostic experience.