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They don't "have" to be any of those things. People are not consistently rational actors, as evidenced by your continued advocacy for Emacs.

Bold of you to think the red states are capable of learning.

Oh, they will. Culture wars only go so far when your wallet is _truly_ affected.

Wasn't that the alleged reason for continued escalations in Germany in the 40s?

Not really.

Hitler got entrenched in power because his economic policies _worked_ in 1930-s. They were broadly Keynesian: state spending to stimulate infrastructure (for the military) and manufacturing (also mostly military). This led to economic growth that people really felt in their wallets: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Economic_development...

And so it resulted in a huge upswing in Nazi support, enabling Hitler to stay in power. People really _loved_ him.

This doesn't work all that well backwards. If peoples' lives keep getting materially worse, it's hard to keep blaming it on "the others".

Everyone learns when they're punched in the face. The question is what less will be taught? So far he's been able to tell them everything is someone else's fault, but when he's in the driver's seat, who will he blame? And will they believe him?

I would genuinely be buying one today if the memory upgrades were half as much and I could go to 128GB or even 96.

The author (and myself, coincidentally) used to work at WP Engine. I still have friends there, I could still describe their infrastructure if I had to. How am I not to interpret myself as "affiliated?"

This is a ludicrous paranoid screed that, thanks to the nature of Mastodon, will not be on the live internet in a decade's time.

It started the conversation by asking if I'd ever heard of the television show Cheers. Every subsequent interaction lead to it telling me more about Cheers.

I think other languages cause folks to understand JSON responses as a big bag of keys and values, which have many convenient ways of being represented in those languages. When you get to Go and you want to parse a JSON response, it has to be a well-defined thing that you understand ahead of time, but I also think you adapt when doing this more than once in Go.

If I had one complaint, it’s the use of ‘tags’ to configure how json is handled on a struct, such that it basically becomes part of the struct’s type. It can lead to a fair bit of duplication of structs whose only difference is the json handling, or otherwise a lot of boilerplate code with custom marshal/unmarshal methods. In some cases the advice is even to do parse the json into a map, do the conversion, and then serialise it again!

The case I ran into is where one API returned camelCase json but we wanted snake_case instead. Had to basically create another struct type with different json tags, rather than having something like decoders and encoders that can configure the output.

I like Go and a lot of the decisions it makes, but it has its fair share of pain points because of early decisions made in its design that results in repetitive and overly imperative code, and while that does help create code that is clear and comprehensible (mostly), it can distract attention away from the intended behaviour of the code.

As an aside, you may be interested in some of the ongoing work to improve the Go JSON serializer/deserializer:


That’s some good news that will hopefully smooth json handling out.

You could wrap it in another struct and use a custom MarshalJSON implementation.

    var res map[string]any
    err := json.Unmarshal(&res)

Uh huh....and what comes next?

Trying to descend more than a couple of layers into a GoLang JSON object is a mess of casts.

Well, one used to have https://github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure which assisted here, but the lib then got abandoned.

The same things that happens in JS or python.

If you get a key wrong it throws (panics in go)

I wasn't talking about getting the keys wrong, but rather the insane verbosity of GoLang - `myVariable := retrievedObject.(map[string]interface{})["firstLevelKey"].(map[string]interface{})["secondLevelKey"].(string)` vs. `myVariable = retrievedObject["firstLevelKey"]["secondLevelKey"]`

"Oh, but that's just how it is in strongly-typed languages" - that may well be true, but we're comparing "JS or python" with GoLang here.

Especially when you're not certain of the type used for numbers.

Does FB's list of unbannable accounts include a list of slurs they're allowed to say on the platform?

Anybody who is surprised by this has not been paying attention to how the recent acquirer of Twitter has stewarded it thus far.

I do find it fairly surprising the lengths people go to to create false information and trash a website they claim to not like or want to use. I'm sure there's a better use for that time.

There were celebrities and leftwing figures getting away with all sorts of unsavoury language on Twitter for years, so the tools were probably already there. Would be more surprising if they hadn't been put to use for the inverse after leadership changed.

Unsavoury as in ethnic slurs?

I can't access the profile of the user in question, and the page tells me it's because they're suspended, so seems pretty real to me.

Well, to be pedantic (but maybe not) they did post an image with a bunch of highly offensive slurs in it

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