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It might help to imagine a different world.

One in which Mary steps out of her room, sees a rose, and absolutely nothing new is added to her understandings.

She already had it all sorted out in her study. In many people’s understanding of “naturalism” that wouldn’t be any surprise.

But that’s not this world.

If she truly possesses all physical knowledge, then she knows exactly what every possible rose looks like from every possible angle, in every possible setting and lighting. She knows in excruciating detail, at the level of every individual atom, how the scent of the rose will reach her brain, and exactly what responses it will trigger.

And indeed had she that knowledge, nothing new would be added by seeing one in person.

The implausible part is presupposing any person could ever have a complete enough understanding of all physical knowledge to achieve that.

> We don’t have a word for it because we don’t see that color.

I think you’re missing the argument.

We can easily assign words to things we know exist. That’s not the issue.

When we define things (like “naturalism”) we are invoking symbols and their semantics, all the stuff Mary presumably has access to in her room.

In her room, Mary already understands subjective experience, the brain mechanics behind it, etc.

The realization that there is more outside of Mary’s room suggests that our conceptualizations are limited / not accurate.

If that’s the agreed case how can anyone cling to a universal “naturalism” with a straight face?

With Mary’s room, haven’t we already accepted that formal statements are incomplete - and therefore would be silly to call universal?

Words don't excite the same bits of our brains as other physical experiences, so full knowledge of red through words and higher level thoughts is not enough for Mary. But assuming she has perfect knowledge of the the interaction of red wavelength with the eye and perfect knowledge of how the sensory input interacts with her brain, she could stick theoretically optimal electrodes in exactly the right places (or specifically tailored psychedelic drugs) and virtually experience and learn about red before actually seeing it.

You’re assuming the consumer is the one producing batches.


Would you ever consider building/porting this to nostr?


Can you just add a random query param value to bust the cache?

Exactly. There’s a running joke when talking about code style of “Rich Hickey’s Java” - as the exemplar of weird style. (Which it is if you ever glance at core Clojure’s code base.) But RH in my mind is the epitome of one who understands real practitioner productivity.

The best code style = the one written by someone who doesn't crash prod, segfault, or mess up the hot path (allocate).

Bad analogy. The flat earth theory isn’t novel.


Personal tasks with estimates and focused on “local first”/desktop usage.

To Webmaster: How much $$ to jump first in line?

The website should host an auction!

A common point is being made in the threads here: "The downside of Clojure is that you need good, wise developers..."

The converse of this is that good, wise developers are going to (ultimately) _demand_ Clojure.

What I mean by this:

I was a Java programmer for years and increasingly started writing code in a more functional, immutable, dynamic style with the occasional need for meta-programming -- for the sheer need of being more productive and writing more robust code.

Yes, you can write functional, immutable, dynamic, code in Java and do meta-programming in Java!

It's just somewhat cumbersome and prickly.

Enter: Clojure.

I've seen many an 'unwise' programmer make just as much a mess of Java systems as people are suggesting they've seen in Clojure projects. It may be simply that Java slows you/your team down enough so that the messes of unwise programmers are just made more slowly.

But one wonders if this is really a win: you're probably also delivering your business value more slowly, as well.


> The converse of this is that good, wise developers are going to (ultimately) _demand_ Clojure.

HN seems to blindly accept the idea that developers using niche languages are good but I certainly haven't seen any proof of that and I haven't seen anything to even remotely suggest that good developers gravitate towards Clojure.

Great developers have to be working on hard problems and almost all of the hard problems in our industry, outside of language/chip design and correctness proofs, are being worked on in relatively boring languages (C, C++, Java etc.). Most of the niche language users I've met are working on basic CRUD web applications.

I suppose the argument would be that only developers with a modicum of interest in their craft will gravitate towards niche languages such as Clojure. But you are correct that doing so doesn't necessarily mean they are good.

However, I don't think it follows that great developers work on hard problems. Why can't you be a great developer working on CRUD apps and occasionally finding ways to do them better?

> I suppose the argument would be that only developers with a modicum of interest in their craft will gravitate towards niche languages such as Clojure.

There is an opportunity cost and there are plenty of motivated developers that instead of learning yet another niche language decide to work on algorithms, applications and generally more difficult problems. Few languages offer enough advantages to overcome the fact that the latter is almost always a far better use of your time. As someone that knows Clojure relatively well, I'd argue that it's certainly not one of those few languages. Also, the trade off continuously gets worse as the popular languages adopt the good ideas from the niche languages and as problems continue to get more difficult and rely on teams of developers with library support in a wide variety of domains.

Good point. I have been playing with lots of niche languages but in the end I also find that focusing my learning elsewhere is usually a better idea. Even more, I don't know many of the features of the languages I use although I have been working on rather tricky topics - from 3D viz to medical computer vision, low power device soft-realtime streaming deep learning inference ;) etc. and in decades of C++ I still only know the basics of metaprogramming (means standard template functions and classes). I am pretty dogmatic about RAII and similar but try to keep things simple. Even dropped most of the abstractions over time - sometimes 3 else ifs that then never change again are probably better than polymorphism, command pattern, lambda etc. stuff - at least you know what will be called there just by looking at the code.

Similarly I feel my Python code is getting simpler and simpler over time.

I'd probably even gravitate towards Go at some point nur there I do muss a few things.

I usually find the pay off is just better when I rather learn more about deep learning, statistics, domain knowledge, security, visualization or stuff like AWS, Kubernetes, Unity etc.

The language ends up to be a very small piece and usually more important to have the ecosystem and community available. Like Julia also does not solve the 2 language problem for me but leads to a 3 language problem.

I argue that Clojure née the functional programming community writ large capture a peculiar local maximum. I used to subscribe to the “functional = better” camp until going to MIT. I challenge anyone to find a cutting edge CS paper* that is written in their favorite functional language. If it were so effective — wouldn’t one academic have exploited this efficiency to catapult themselves ahead of their imperatively bound brethren?

Maybe there’s something peculiar about academic work that requires an imperative mind. This is why we see the highest paid practitioners programming exclusively in functional languages ... oh wait, the opposite is true.

My theory is that FP hits a nice sweet spot for someone who would like to casually improve their craft. Something akin to breaking out Popular Mechanics after work.

* - excluding, of course, papers about programming languages themselves

> This is why we see the highest paid practitioners programming exclusively in functional languages

Well I don't know how accurate this is, but in 2019 Stackoverflow survey, Clojure practitioners averaged the highest pay of any languages. (in 2020 they removed Clojure from the options so the data is missing).

> I challenge anyone to find a cutting edge CS paper* that is written in their favorite functional language

I rarely see papers written in any particular programming language to be honest, they tend to be pseudo-code and math like. And when you write a paper, you don't really need to be more productive or more reliable, since you write so little code. Plus any paper focused of low level or raw performance will obviously need something with semantics closer to the hardware.

> * - excluding, of course, papers about programming languages themselves

What about papers studying functional algorithms, type theory, automatic differentiation, parallel computing, and all that? Do you exclude those as well? Cause they're often written in a functional language.

> Well I don't know how accurate this is, but in 2019 Stackoverflow survey, Clojure practitioners averaged the highest pay of any languages.

Well I didn't believe it, but wow: https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2019#top-paying-te...

I'm not sure if I should conclude that I'm incredibly ignorant of the engineering market, or that Stack Overflow's survey is not representative.

It makes me suspicious that Clojure is shown as the most highly paid language at $90k. Basically any non-new grad developer in a high cost of living area earns more than that, regardless of the language. I'm also suspicious that only 1.4% of survey respondents use Clojure, which may show a bit of a base rate fallacy here.

What would be the explanatory thesis for Clojure programmers being the most highly paid? None of the most highly paid roles I'm personally familiar with in big tech or finance use Clojure, and people who work in those roles earn well into the six (and sometimes seven) figures.

>Basically any non-new grad developer in a high cost of living area earns more than that, regardless of the language.

SO is used by developers all over the world, not just in the US.

> What would be the explanatory thesis for Clojure programmers being the most highly paid?

I couldn't find a breakdown of the stats by state or city, but here's my guess: Clojure is only used at companies that can take the risk. That is, SF, NYC, and a few other metros. There are businesses that probably run Java or something on their cash cow and want to throw a few bones to the developers for recruitment/resume-driven-development purposes. Whereas JavaScript/C++/Java developers exist at every company and in every tiny city with a much broader pay scale.

Anecdotal, my company does some Clojure. But it's limited to a handful of internal tools and we pretty much ended the experiment years ago. Nothing new is made in Clojure. To my knowledge, we've never hired specifically for Clojure. It's always some dev that knows another language.

It's interesting too that of the top 5, only Go is a non-functional language, the others all are: Clojure, F#, Scala, Elixir.

Right now my guess is that, if you also look at one of the other questions, it turns out Clojure has one of the highest ratio of senior to junior, like Clojure devs average a higher amount of experience as well. I haven't checked the others like F#, but my guess is that most dev using functional programming languages actively and professionally tend to be more senior and thus command a higher salary mostly. That means there isn't as many junior or mid-levels to skew the average salary down, where as my guess is other languages might have an even bigger number of new devs using them like JavaScript for example, which would skew the salary average towards their pay levels.

Cutting edge CS papers are written by Ph.D students who have not had any industrial experience yet. Of course, the code they wrote for those papers would certainly use languages that they learned in school, which would be C/C++/Java if the papers are system papers, python if the papers are ML/DL papers. That tells you nothing about the merit of functional programming language vs. other mainstream language.

If anything, as someone who has a Ph.D. and a career spanning both academia and industry, I can assure you that functional programming languages like Clojure is much more productive than the mainstream languages, even for implementing cutting edge CS research.

My experience of implementing algorithms from papers is that, in Clojure, the implementation is much more straightforward, always almost a direct translation from pseudo code in the paper to actual working code, even the pseudo code is inevitably written in an imperative style. However, the original author's code implemented in c/c++/java is always much more convoluted and bears no resemblance to their pseudo code in the paper. That should tell you one thing: that is functional languages often capture the bare essence of computer science, whereas mainstream language often have too much incidental complexity imposed by the languages themselves.

I have something to tell you about CS researchers and whether they are actually good software engineers......

Seriously though, there are loads of papers out there that use ML variant programming languages (and not _about the language_) that I really wonder what papers you have been reading.

Let's not even get to all the older expert-system papers with stuff written in Prolog.

And yeah, loads of seminal CS papers are effectively just math.

Academics are not, and don't need to be, good software engineers, because the tools and skills one person needs to build a proof-of-concept are different from the skills a large team needs to build production code.

Functional code and immutable data are fundamental ideas for managing complexity in big systems, irrespective of language. Even modern C++ tries to be functional until it has a good reason not to be.

(I also went to MIT, and I work on low-level systems at Google.)

>However, I don't think it follows that great developers work on hard problems.

Isn't that just the definition of what a great developer is? Mind you working on a boring CRUD app may very well surface hard problems, but it's difficult to see how one could be said to excel at their craft without doing hard and difficult work to prove it.

It's very easy to tell yourself that you're a great developer because you do some arcane thing that nobody else understands in an arcane language, but it's very easy to mistake esoteric behaviour for skill. Hard, real-world problems are a reality check. You either can tackle them or you don't, and if you can't do it in a fancy language it's no good to anyone.

CRUD apps can be done well or poorly, just like any other product. In some ways, the difference might just be in tolerance for poor design in business outcomes. But it's not the case that every CRUD app must be god-awful.

Gread developers do great work, subject to the needs of the business, regardless of the difficulty of the problem.

There was a time when Java was a niche language for web applets. There was a time when Python was a niche language you tossed into your "real" program so users could extend it. There was a time when C was a niche language for Unix development. Likewise C++ was this niche object oriented thing that didn't even compile to object code... it compled to C.

And developers would look at the niche language devs and go, why write in C? I have my COBOL and most production code is written with it. Java? Why? I have Powerbuilder and Delphi. Most of the developers with any new language are creating CRUD apps, because well, that's what most computer programs do.

Every language or tool is initially a niche. It doesn’t follow that everything niche is good.

Agreed. I went through my phase of geeking out on Lisp and playing with programming languages for the sake of the language itself. But in the end it wasn't very satisfactory. I prefer building things.

At a later job my views got reinforced by a team who were so excited about Scala (many years ago when it was particularly bad, not sure if it is better now) and all the language tricks they could do in it. So we spent tons of time on "stupid programmer tricks" (Letterman-style) and debugging obscure language constructs, less time on the actual working product.

So I don't want clever programmers on my teams nor clever languages. Give me mature ecosystem, great tooling and simple code. Java and C remain the gold standard for getting things done.

I prefer functional programming, and have a background in functional programming, but I still primarily work with Java, and it is currently my go-to for any project. In my opinion, Java as a language is gross and unlovable, but the runtime, the development tooling, and selection of libraries and other integrations is about as good as it gets.

I feel like I am continuously looking for a better alternative, but it's hard to overcome the practicality of using something with such immense buy-in. For example, nearly all major SaaS offer a Java SDK, or have Java-specific docs. They want the big companies to be their customers, and they know they use Java. I am all too happy to benefit from that.

It should also be noted that Java the language is rapidly being enhanced with features inspired by functional programming. For example, sum types (in the form of sealed classes) have been added to the language, and ML-style pattern matching with compile-time exhaustiveness checking is in the pipeline. More on the platform side, Java now has a REPL (JShell).

Of course, Java codebases you encounter in the wild are very likely to make you want to cry. The world of Java development has a lot of bad taste and questionable practices enshrined as best practices. That said, the Java community is slowly shifting toward a better style.

> I prefer functional programming, and have a background in functional programming, but I still primarily work with Java... In my opinion, Java as a language is gross and unlovable, but the runtime, the development tooling, and selection of libraries and other integrations is about as good as it gets.

It sounds like Clojure is perfect for you then. You have all the upsides of Java you mention here with Clojure because it's hosted on the JVM (among other platforms). You can use Java libraries and SDKs seamlessly from Clojure, but the language itself was designed specifically for a functional style from the beginning.

I consider a static type system to be a must-have. If Clojure was more like Typed Racket on the JVM, I would already be using it.

Then Scala is your language!

> the runtime, the development tooling, and selection of libraries and other integrations is about as good as it gets

This is a great feature of Clojure, being able to access all of the benefits of the Java ecosystem and the zillions of hours invested into it.

There may not always be a ready-made Clojure wrapper over libraries, but the java interop tools are excellent and writing your own interface into a library is usually quite straightforward.

> The world of Java development has a lot of bad taste and questionable practices enshrined as best practices.

I've never seen a "best practice" that wasn't horrible dogma parroted by developers that can't do their own thinking.

As I get older I care less and less about FP, OOP, imperative, and language fads. Or Martin Fowler. Especially Martin Fowler. What I really crave and value over anything else: consistency. I don't want to look at the code base like an archaeologist, digging through layers of fads. "And this code is when James and Adam were going through an ORM phase with such-and-such library" Please no. I don't have enough remaining time in my life for this shit.

I think java as a language is fine, it's all the java culture around it that makes it bad. Kotlin is a big improvement and I think it will eventually become the next java in java codebases as it expands out of the android world.

Nah, it will just fade away as Java adopts all features that are relevant to most of us.

If Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Azul, Amazon bring a KVM written in Kotlin, then I might consider it.

In the meantime it is just the language Android team is pushing to get rid of Android Java, while the offices next door are pushing ChromeOS/PWAs and Fuchsia.

We've switched from Java to Kotlin with Arrow for all our back end work. We couldn't be happier, and we're not impressed with Java's attempts at playing catch-up.

"final var" anyone? Non-monadic, non-applicative "Optional"? No? Ok.

I can go fetch similar comments from online archives from every guest language on the JVM, CLR, WebBrowser.

The guest languages require additional tooling, duplicated libraries (because just using the platform libs isn't idiomatic, whatever), and then as the platform moves on the seamless FFI stops being so seamless, specially when the guest language decides being a guest language in just one platform isn't enough for its life achievements.

Eventually the platform language acquires enough features, which remove the spotlight from the guest languages, and projects start to migrate back, ah then the "Why X in Y" blog posts, with reference to "Why Y in X" start to appear.

As for Arrow, if you want Haskell, it already exists.

Historically, I agree. But this time really is different. No other JVM language has backing or buy-in even remotely comparable to Kotlin, and it's more seamless than any other JVM language I've experienced.

For what it's worth, in case I come off as a die-hard Kotlin fan, I'm really not. I strongly disagree with many choices the designers make with Kotlin - there's too many to list, but the common theme is basically, as good as Kotlin is at discouraging the worst of Java, it still caters far too much to nonsensical Java practices IMO.

I doubt it, Kotlin has decided to be Android's darling, thus buying into Android Team's bias against modern Java (and JVM features) support, while at the same time JetBrains is trying to turn Kotlin into its own eco-system stretching into JavaScript, a native implementation which requires specific code patterns for KMM libraries, and Kotlin specific libraries.

Eventually Kotlin needs to decide which master it wants to follow.

Java only needs to bother with keep being Java, everything else in terms of OS and AOT/JIT/GC support is just a matter of picking the respective implementation with zero code changes.

I think the ratio of people using functional language that work on "hard" problems should be a lot higher than the mainstream language users.

From my personal experience, before I become a Clojure user, I wouldn't dare to write "hard" software such as compiler, database, and such, all by myself. Now I have done all that, I would credit part of that to the productivity of the language. That's why with such a small community, Clojure ecosystem has produced so many first of its kind innovative systems, e.g. Storm, Datomic, etc.

> I certainly haven't seen any proof of that and I haven't seen anything to even remotely suggest that good developers gravitate towards Clojure

What about stackoverflow survey? Clojure is the most paid language (evidence that businesses value Clojure programmers) and Clojure has the most mature user base (evidence that users stay or flock to Clojure after many years in the industry).

Sure, not the best kind of evidence and depending on your biases you can read it in many different ways, but it’s a datapoint.

Not that developers using niche languages are good, but rather it is very easy to figure out if they are good.

What makes it easy to work out whether they're good?

Choose the one who writes simple and readable code, not the one who is doing complex gymnastics just for the sake of showcasing that exotic language skills.

I use Clojure because I am not a particularly wise programmer (I have been fortunate to work with many actually wise programmers).

I like to write dumb, obvious code. Most Clojure code is about taking your data, representing it a sequence of maps, and transforming them into different sequences of maps. The maps are open (easy to change over time), immutable (impossible to encounter data races, weird equality semantics, or concurrency issues), dynamic (no pre-definition or ceremony required), concise (thanks to a literal representation that does not even require commas between elements), and have a generic access api (no custom functions/accessors/etc).

Because I use the exact same transformation functions on EVERY PROBLEM, there is an enormous amount of reuse of generic operations both within and across Clojure code (even Clojure code that manipulates Clojure code, which is after all, just data).

Because the center of our code is open data, coupled with generic functions open to later extension (multimethods, protocols), Clojure is notably good at handling information systems that evolve over time in requirements (a feature of essentially all of them).

The core constructs are not hard, certainly they are easier to learn and use than complicated things like mutable classes and locking. The unlearning from other languages is often bigger than the learning. Nubank for example is certainly not hiring 100s of Clojure developers - in most cases they are hiring good people and teaching them Clojure. There are other successful companies doing the same.

Large Clojure programs can be hard to reason about because large programs are hard to reason about. One benefit of Clojure programs is that they are often 100x smaller than the equivalent program in a popular OO language. They are also trivial to interact with live in your REPL so that you can inspect the data flowing through them. I will happily take live data and interactive function execution over 1000 classes with custom methods. Both require time to learn but I'm much happier changing the smaller, simpler one.

The idea that "Clojure requires wise developers" is completely backwards. Enormous modern class/annotation based OO programs are the ones that require the smartest developers because that's what it takes to understand them. Clojure is accessible to all.

All that is only true until you have to reach to Java interop because of Clojure's lack of ecosystem of libraries. Since this is a necessity and fairly common, now you are back to this enormous OOP world of over-engineered libraries, eradicating all the benefits and joy a doing a project in Clojure, it's unfortunate.

Clojure is also not making this easier(interop) by not keeping up with Java advancements. Ex: functional interfaces

Using Java libraries from Clojure is often easier than using them from Java. You say this as a negative but the ability to tap that ecosystem easily when needed is a huge benefit. Having worked in many Clojure projects, needing to do so is not that common in my experience.

This is an excellent comment and it matches my experience with the language very closely. After a career with many languages and paradigms (C, C++, Java, javascript, Swift...), then pushed to do Clojure the past 3 years, all the points you make above became so obvious that is in now EXTREMELY painful to work in any of the other languages.

I think a couple pain points need to be remedied in the community so that Clojure is more inviting to the general programmer, who like you mentioned would ultimately have an easier time with Clojure once bootstrapped into the language.

The primary one for me was being met with Emacs out of the gate as the preferred and touted editor for Clojure. I dove into that for a good year, became proficient with it but sorely regretted it. It was a decision point and cognitive hurdle I wish wasn't even presented to me in the beginning. IntelliJ/Cursive or something like it is a better way for most newcomers.

Earlier books on Clojure were way to "intellectual" in my opinion and pretty offputting to the general programmer. Luckily that area has improved in recent years with books such as "Getting Clojure" and "Programming Clojure"

Also the newcomer could be confused about what a repl is and how it functions with the IDE or editor. It would be better if editors and plugins focused on raw Socket or prepl repls over middleware repls like nrepl.

I would hope actually that some resources in the community would make an awesome LSP Server for Clojure so that any editor that supports LSP would have a great Cursive like experience. "clojure-lsp" is a great start but needs more resources.

The points made above by puredanger are so very true in my experience and I am so lucky and joyful to be working on Clojure systems.

I'm still salty about Specter[0] not being ~officially recognised as a necessity when using Clojure.

[0] https://github.com/redplanetlabs/specter

Data driven languages need simple & powerful transformation libraries. `get-in` is repetitive and tiresome to use.

Specter and it's ilk make transformations clear and simple.

No amount of planning or foresight negates the need for data transformation libraries.

Well, it's not a necessity, and it exists a library that anyone can use, so I don't understand any reason to be salty.

My saltiness has to do with being presented with a situation(whilst still new to clojure) which required quite deep data transformations and using idiomatic core clojure functions for ~3 days before saying there has to be a better way and then searching and ending up on Specter.

It's not a necessity in the same way XPath wasn't a necessity to interrogate XML.

I think that the bigger problem is that developers just don't get taught any way to think about coding other than the object-oriented, use-Java-for-everything approach.

I sometimes think I could have massively accelerated my ability to produce decent code in any language if I had been forced to work through "The Little Schemer" and "How to Design Programs" before I saw anything else.

But that is probably just hindsight or personal bias. I found functional programming in Lisp and Clojure to simply click for me in a way that enterprise Java class hierarchies never did . . .

When I'm coding in Lisp, I want objects with methods and mutable state.

I made myself a Lisp dialect with a nice little object system.

More precisely, I made it without that object system, but I eventually couldn't stand the situation.

I use objects even in small, throwaway programs used once. Sometimes it turns out that they aren't just used once, and the use of objects makes them easier to read later.

FYI - you are an outlier. In my experience once you teach someone about immutable systems, they never want to go back. There are sometimes corner cases where you want mutability. Usually for performance reasons; and in those cases it's helpful to have an escape hatch, but also, I would argue that most programmers don't need performance, even when they think they do, something else is the bottleneck.

Because this in HN: Yes, some people are writing operating systems, video games, database engines. Most people are not.

Once you teach people a valuable technique, they don't want to back to being ignorant of that technique or avoid using it when they are able and it's the best tool for the job.

They also don't want to throw away all their other valuable techniques.

Programming with mutation is not just efficient, it is also highly expressive and easy to verify, for the right kinds of problems.

Just because it's useful for writing operating systems, video games and database engines, don't be mistaken in assuming that it's only useful for operating systems, video games and database engines.

It's also a footgun waiting to happen, because I 150% promise you a junior dev or even senior dev will somewhere forget to pass by value instead of pass by reference. There is a reason why Julia and ruby encourages sigilling functions capable of mutating with a !. That character is not chosen randomly.

Yes, it is also absolutely necessary for expressive A* pathfinding.

This is unnecessary for someone connecting two web APIs. Correctness in most domains is totally worth not having to worry about pass-by-reference defaults.

In short, Clojure is far the best professionalism filter I have stumbled upon, in all of my 20 years of coding for money.

It takes around 5 minutes to figure out whom you are talking to, when you are talking about Clojure.

This worked perfectly for me on both sides: as a contractor on hire and as an employer for some project.

I worked in a partially Clojure shop for a while. I found the Ruby on Rails developers to be more professional, overall. The Rails devs certainly did not have the habit of trying to compose together 75% of a framework anew for each project.

I was talking about Clojure as a filter, not about unconditional superiority of Clojure devs. Indeed, any particular company usually attracts either all very good or all mediocre Clojure coders. My point it is easy to establish who is who.

I follow. My experience was that Clojure was a strong filter, but not for professionalism. It served mostly as a filter for interest in functional programming and Lisp-informed ideology.

> The converse of this is that good, wise developers are going to (ultimately) _demand_ Clojure.

Maybe the really wise developer is aware that not everyone thinks the same, even themselves now vs six months from now, and is very wary of dynamic behavior and cleverness...

I don't want Java or Clojure in a team environment, now that I've got Kotlin.

Or maybe I'm just not wise enough. ;)

I'd be curious to see a survey of what background the average Clojure enthusiast has. If many of them come from Enterprise Java, it makes total sense to me why the enthusiasm for Clojure is so high (in fact, that's Rich Hickey's background). Java is: boilerplate-y, slow to iterate with, hard to express higher-level concepts in, requires lots of ceremony (in everything from type definitions to the build system). Clojure is a direct response to the cries of Java devs: the polar opposite of all the things they're sick of, without giving up the ecosystem that they're comfortable with.

Whereas for me: TypeScript is concise enough, functional enough, and has the added benefit of static types and multi-paradigm features for when you need them. The primitives aren't as good as Clojure's, and immutability requires a library, but I'm not so traumatized by Enterprise Java that I feel the need to seek out the exact opposite of it.

Not to invalidate that perspective; I'm just wondering if the Java background explains the discrepancy between different people's feelings about Clojure.

Anecdotal, but I don't think I ever programmed in Java before Clojure. I came to Clojure via Ruby, and was deciding between Clojure and SBCL, and Clojure won out. Being hosted on the JVM was part of that: extensive availability of the JVM and interop with existing Java libraries made it easier to get started.

Lots of data on this from the annual survey: https://clojure.org/news/2020/02/20/state-of-clojure-2020

> A common point is being made in the threads here: "The downside of Clojure is that you need good, wise developers..."

A common situation is that a mediocre Java programmers reads the first page of a clojure tutorial, finds out about list comprehensions and map and filter (probably not even fold) and decides he (yes almost always he) is a genius. A “good, wise” “engineer”.

Reality usually disagrees.

The reality of actually having to write a complete working system in a language in which your knowledge is limited to the first page of a tutorial is even harsher.

When your “wisdom” and “goodness” are up against a hard deadline, or even an interview, you get the confused messages in this thread that blame companies for not hiring you, people for it understanding you, everyone else for being stupid, and the world for your unemployment.

May be learn what you started with first, but well, and thence to expand your knowledge in various directions.

But of this fancy stuff is available in almost every language. If you think clojure is special you’re in a bad place. Hickey wrote clojure in java.

For the record, I don’t write java or clojure anymore, and if you think clojure gives you an advantage without knowing at least five other languages to a professional level, then you’re not getting hired anywhere near me...

I find "great developers prefer clojure" narrative so infuriating. Clojure is just one paradigm. I am pretty sure there are as many great developers that don't prefer clojure to some other novel language.

Hot take: Lisp (including Clojure) is for shitty programmers.

Great programmers can be great in any language, including C, COBOL, or BANCStar. Their brainpower alone can compensate for the language's lack of abstractive power.

Lisp is a mind prosthesis for the programmer; it extends the programmer's reach. Unless you are working in a complicated, abstruse line of work, you stand most to benefit from this if you are bad at programming.

Hence, the most clamorous Lisp zealots tend to be terrible programmers in their own right. The "wise" programmers jeep plugging along in Java, because it's well-supported by a bigcorp and has a HUGE candidate pool when you need to hire developers who work in it.

This might be the best advertisement for me picking up Clojure (or Lisp/Scheme) that I've seen so far.

I was a Java programmer

Most Java programmers get enlightened and feel relieved as you did when they switched to language X from Java. Is a recurring theme, not specific to Clojure.

> wise developers are going to (ultimately) _demand_ Clojure.

Lol. I guess your definition of wise developers is very different from mine.

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