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When I was in high school and college I worked for a local construction supply company unloading railroad cars of bulk and bagged stone 'by hand.' It was back breaking work to put it lightly.

But it contributed to my education in more ways than one.

Last summer I was asked by the same company to consult, advise and implement a complete conversion of their accounting and information management systems. I did and it went well. They paid me more for that work than I ever made working in the yard.

As much as I like working with my hands, I'd rather get paid for using my mind than for using my back.

Hey, RB. Haven't been there since Amanda threw herself to the floor kicking and screaming. ABC wasn't it?

Opened the manual and taught myself BASIC on a PDP 11/44 running RSTS/E. Then Pascal and C. I still enjoy writing code.

I agree with the statement on water. Other than that, thanks, but I have to get back to work.

Not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur or take the risks necessary to create wealth beyond that of a full-time job.

There are as many reasons for this as there are people but to strike a condescending tone towards their decisions is arrogant.

Some, like the readers here, like to see things succeed by being able to contribute to the success.

I enjoy HN and I try to make it better by creating comments I hope others will read. But I don't spend my day trying to write my own version of HN. I'd rather work on my own stuff.

Employees are the same. Just because they have full-time jobs doesn't mean that's their end-all and be-all.

"One of the country’s most popular television programmes, currently being recycled as a film, features the USS Enterprise boldly going where no man had gone before."

Actually, two of the country's most popular television programmes feature people singing and dancing their way to stardom. Like entrepreneurs, some fail miserably, some exit disappointed but graciously, and some make it big.

Still, point taken.

Tom Gootee's article is worth reading. He did a lot of the heavy lifting summarized in this article.

I've tried this and it works -- but...

You must be very, very careful with the solution -- whether it's Ferric Chloride from Radio Shack or a muriatic/peroxide homebrew. Gootee's article and others show how to create safe 'bubblers' for this step. Look at these first.

Please be careful. You are entering 'Breaking Bad' territory here.

Exercise + Cognitive Restructuring Therapy helps a lot.

It's hard not to feel anxiety and depression in today's world and some events can't be controlled. But how we perceive those events can definitiely be controlled by analyzing and challenging them for correctness.

Vilayanur Ramachandran's talk at TED on phantom limb pain addresses this idea very well.


When I read this article all I could think about was Raffi singing 'Banana Phone.' Now I can't get it out of my head.


Let's all run to that side of the boat because that's where the fish are biting.

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