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hackernews is not representative of the real world, you can pretty much round to zero % the amount of companies in the world using Clojure compared to main stream languages

you can also round to zero the amount of developers that are proficient in Clojure so this means nothing.

If 0.01% of the tech jobs use clojure and 0.005% of developers are looking for a clojure job that would still be a great position for the few thousands of clojure programmers.

Joplin, it's free/OSS (I do pay for the sync 1 dollar a month which works pretty well), it works across Windows/Linux/Mac/iphone ( I am always on different computers), it's simple and no bells/whistle - more focus on actually taking notes...

What does ISR stand for ?

Inside Sales Rep

I subscribe to the pragmaticengineer and check HN every now and then

fwiw that's what most of the big companies do on their product that actually make money. All the "kubernetes revolution" is pretty new, as are contianers, and companies move very slowly. The core products only move if they really see an advantage

you can pay to synchronize w/ their backend, is what I do


not for me

Not true at all.

Yep was hired once and hired someone once. Both great experiences, still friends with my ex-boss and my ex-coworker !

I just cancelled my Adobe subscription after trying to cancel for more than 6 months, so many dark patterns that caused my wife to sign in for a renew when she didn't want. To actually cancel you have to say you want to actually cancel in 3-4 different screens, where there's always an option to renew instead for a whole year that you cannot cancel.

I am never going to pay for Adobe while this practices continue.

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