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I know what it's like to be a young web developer / designer looking for work. I think the best thing you can do during this time is work constantly to improve what you're doing.

In terms of general improvement, I suggest looking more at your typography, line-height, sizes, fonts etc. It'll really make your designs better.

Also, look into the use of negative space (whitespace) to give your designs room to improve.

In the beginning especially, break away from the grids and frameworks. Get the basics down and really learn the nuances of HTML and CSS. Work at it and you'll improve.

I suggest requesting an invite to Forrst, they've got some great people over there to give feedback.

Thakns for your support. I know, I will need to learn more about design.

But as a young developer (15 and 362 days old ;)) If you have any ideas you'd like to collab on, I'd be willing to give it a shot :)

Thats nice. Hit me up on email.

amarco is right on the mark. You are doing great, particularly for your age. Keep at it and I have no doubt you will be amazing.

I see this thread pop up from time to time, and I admire your determination. Keep that fire going. I'd love to gift you a graphic design book, if you are willing (not a scam, I promise).

Thanks man!

Send me a email. Thanks.

Sent you a Forrst invite if you want it :)


I agree! Mobile performance on my iPhone 5 is a bit jarring, definitely look into the use of CSS Transforms instead.

http://resinternationalgroup.com/ - Looks to have a live operator that you can talk to and ask questions as well?

I'm a firm believer that if your product solves a genuine problem, people will respect you/it.

Thanks! It's based on animate.css

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