Location: Frisco, TX a suburb of Dallas
Remote: Up to you
Willing to relocate: Yes
Technologies: * Python, Django, django-rest-api
* User interface programming experience (UI & UX)
* Mobility programmer – PhoneGap, Cordova, PhoneGap Build, jQuery Mobile
* iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 7, 8 developer via PhoneGap (see my app AnonySurfer, now AnonyProxies.com)
* Photoshop slicing and dicing into raw and beautiful HTML.
* Python web programming experience with Django and Postgres as a backend.
* Postgresql, MySQL experience.
* PHP and Perl scripting experience.
* Expert in Nginx Web Server, Apache2 and load balancing.
* Can read and write Shell/Bash scripts.
* Solid Linux experience, Apache1 & 2, Debian, shell, bash, Ubuntu, etc.
* Excellent Linux and Windows system administration skills.
Create an auto-deploy section on the page that allows you to automatically deploy the service to a new cloud VPS for a service fee just like the other sections that say Subscribe Now. This needs to be part of the API which is located at https://anonyproxies.com/api/ (django-rest-framework). The API url mentioned and its functions just needs some configuration to resolve any kind of Internal Server Error and it needs setup to ensure it runs using a database like MySQL (settings can be places in live.py of anonyapi repo located at https://bitbucket.org/anonysurfer/anonyapi/. The section and the configuration modal that you generate allows the person to at any moment in the future specify custom advertisement javascript code or any javascript code at the top of the A2, Glype, PHProxy, PHProxy++ pages assuming the user is logged in (use a "Config" button that opens up a modal where this can be configured using our API). The "Config" button and its modal also allows the user to specify if they want their deployment to be part of the mirrors, a DNS domain name option where they can provide a domain name (otherwise we provide them automatically with a domain subdomain of anonyproxies.com and anonyproxi.es [an alias of anonyproxies.com])
VPN sections need to be configured and a .sh script needs to be generated to automatically setup the VPN and proxy options that are offered on https://anonyproxies.com
Login functionality needs to be setup so that people can login to the /secure/ URL with some kind of secure cookie and also login to the individual sections
If logged in to both the anonygap and anonyweb apps from github.com/anonyproxies/ - sections on the page need to show, based on what was paid for in particular whatever VPN or proxy details are necessary to use the application.
Email me: founders@anonyproxies.com
A few thousand lines of code and I'll add you as a co-Founder to AnonyProxies :)
* Alexander Schliker (Founder) - http://alexanderschliker.com
* King David S.
* Jake
* Teddy R.
* Pauly Graham
* Mikey Arrington (co-Founder)
* Austin Jones
* Mike Adams
* Biden
* KH
* Barack Obama
* Austin L.
* Ben Franklin
* D.J.
* YC
* Einsteins
* George Washington
* Malia Obama
* John Sibley
* Team Github
* DigitalOcean Founders (Sponsor)
* Github (Sponsor)
* Facebook earliest team
* PHProxy
* PHProxy++
* CGIProxy
* A2
* Glype
* BofA
* Wells Fargo
* PayPal
* HP
* Hewlett and Packard
* Adobe
* PhoneGap
* Kennedy Sr Sr
* Git-scm
* King David S.
* Alexander Schliker
* Nginx
* Veronica M.
* Gerald F.
* Michael Clinton
* Clinton
* Teddy Jr. Jr. Jr.
* Kroger Grocery Store
* Humanoids
* Whitehouse.com
* Gerald F. Jr Jr Jr Jr
* Kenedy Jr Jr Jr
* Larry Page (Co-Founder)
* Sergey Brin (Co-Founder)
* Emil Gilliam
* Gerald F. Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr
* Teddy Jr Jr
* Kennedy Sr.
* S.H.
* Moses Sr.
* Obama Sr.
* Bush Sr Sr
* Kennedy Jr
* Eisy Senior
* Luke Eisy
* Kennedy Jr Jr Jr Jr Jr
* Teddy Sr Squared
* Bush
* Einstein Sr Sr
* Gerald Ford Sr Sr
* Stalin
* King David S.
* Alexander Schliker
This thread is interactive with the site, so any comments could result in changes within minutes.
1) Fixed
2) I need a screenshot at the top showing how it schedules meetings for you powered by email. Its like Posterous, only for scheduling.
3) the project is going to be open source, so hopefully soon we'll have info on the founders.