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Unflavoured whey protein isolate isn't hugely popular but you can get it online.

US: https://nutricost.com/collections/protein/products/nutricost...

AU: https://www.bulknutrients.com.au/products/whey-protein-isola...

edit - I should add, you can get a bit of an idea of the quality of the protein powder by just looking at the percentage of protein in it. Nutricost is 85% and Bulk Nutrients is 87%. Doesn't leave much room to shove other ingredients in with protein levels that high.

You can also go buy 20kg bags of WPI from NZ (which is where I think most of these retail products get their WPI from) https://www.nzmp.com/global/en/products/ingredients/types/pr...

What’s the price on those bags? I’m not contacting them and hidden pricing is scummy.

I think you have to bid on their auctions. It is more of a wholesale thing for people buying tons of it. https://pure-product.com/products/whey-protein-isolate-20kg-... they are reselling one for $709 USD

They also have flat fares in Chicago for $3.12 with uberPool, Monday to Friday 6am to 10pm. All trips must begin and end south of Irving Park, north of 71st Street, and east of Western Avenue. https://www.uber.com/info/chi-uberpool-312/

We use pin.net.au for https://meanpath.com as the hosted payment pages they offer allow us to capture payment without needing to do any advanced programming. Their fraud protection is impressive and blocks 90% of the payment attempts we get from people dipping stolen cards.

For https://www.betterteam.com we chose Stripe as our developers are more familiar with the API. Braintree do have some features Stripe does not but the documentation of their API is not as straightforward as Stripe.

You can self sponsor with this https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/189- bit of mucking about to get but once you have it you can work for any company. Otherwise company will need a company to sponsor you on https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/457- which is not hard to get but does limit the companies you can work for as not all will know how to do it.

Thank you!

https://czds.icann.org/en It has been largely automated now so you can request access to the files with one click vs having to sign and email hundreds of forms. Approval seems to be automatic for most of them.


Feel free to grab a copy of our domain list. The "All domains with NS records" is the one you want. Has 191 million in it.

Wow! That's awesome!

Amazing, thanks!

No need to build your entire startup on Slack but a solid integration can drive serious initial revenue for your startup especially if you do not get a lot of direct traffic. "One click install" is what helped Woocommerce and others get massive growth on the back of Wordpress through top exposure in the plugin directory.

Slack is still very much at the bottom of the growth curve. I have seen electrical contractors who need a way to chat with onsite workers at various projects switch from using WhatsApp/SMS to Slack. If one click job scheduling apps start appearing in the Slack App Store they will be quickly adopted by these businesses. I would be surprised if Slack or something like it has not completely wiped out internal email in 5 years.

I too am bullish on Slack and am with you right until "wiped out email." I've heard this said about Slack before and don't get it. Asana is a real email killer in that it's both realtime (instant) and structured (i.e. it wholly replaces email threads). On a meta level, why is it that it's so important for Slack's marketing that they "replace email"? Why isn't it enough for them to "go beyond email" (which is totally realistic and honest and still a potentially huge business)?

I don't know whether it's important for Slack's marketing to claim they are replacing email.

What I can tell you is that it factually has wiped out internal email for our team at Charge.

And I think that's pretty common for most teams that have used it. Why write a slow clunky old email when a Slack message will do?

> Why write a slow clunky old email when a Slack message will do?

Because email is threaded conversations, while slack is not. I can write 5 different emails and respond to each thread individually, but I can't do that in slack: I can write 5 messages, but my peer(s) can't answer each one individually - they can just write 5 messages and I have to figure out what they respond to.

Email has the added benefit of working nicely when you're on a connection that's not always available (mobile, traveling, etc.) I can write the message and have it sent later, download all messages and read (and answer) them without a connection. Slack (and other chat applications) just falls flat on it's face when the connection drops from time to time.

Now, all of that might be properties that you don't need because you're never traveling and always on the same schedule, so that you're able to answer questions in real time - but don't assume that's true for everyone.

We have a prototype threading implementation for Slack. Drop a line to <hn username> @gmail.com if interested to test.

Realtime threaded conversations is a need?

I'm sure I can accomplish this with a simple Google search (and I'm going to do that next) but I do want to put a request out there. I'd love to see some use cases of successful, complex Slack integrations and how the organization has saved time/money by making Slack a part of their workflow. It seems to be a tool built for developers, at least I see a lot advocates that are developers. I want to know how personnel across multiple departments feel about using the tool.

There is always more the government can do but there are two major government assistance programs I was not aware of till I founded a startup here. https://www.austrade.gov.au/Australian/Export/Export-Grants/... will reimburse 50% of your sales and marketing costs. So you can go spend $100k on Google Adwords and get $50k back effectively meaning you can outbid all your competitors for the same keywords. https://www.ato.gov.au/Business/Research-and-development-tax... is more well known. What is less well known is that if you make a loss in the year you make the R&D claim they will credit the offset into your bank account vs carrying the offset forward to next year. I am not sure what the equivalent of these two grants is in the US but I know Singapore is even more generous with tax holidays and 500%? of R&D spend grants. Edit - forgot to add there are R&D consultants who will even advance you a percentage of your claim amount in advance to help with cashflow so you don't have to wait 12 months to get the money back.

Am I wrong in thinking there's a fat chance that the US govt. is funneling money to tech startups? I doubt there are grants for this stuff in Silicon Valley.

Maybe some sort of trickle down effect from the money that goes into Amazon, intel, MS & IBM.

Not sure every home in the US is getting the claimed 10gig internet pipes neither.

Yeah you're wrong. The US Government has a $146 billion R&D budget. That kind of spending has directly contributed to the US success in tech.

The government - university partnerships have been a massive boon to the US tech industry.

They have billions in business grants that you can apply for, covering just about everything you can think of going on in the economy. That includes advanced science and engineering grants, projects at the most cutting edge.

Every home is definitely not getting 10gbps pipes, yet. The US deserves a lot of flack for its poor broadband deployment the prior decade. However it is now undergoing an accelerating broadband boom (as in 100mbps+), probably mostly thanks to Google.

meanpath.com - REMOTE (Any Country) - Full Time - Many Positions

We are a 100% distributed company with staff in Australia, United States and the Philippines. Our tech stack is all Haskell with a very minimal amount of front end that we are hoping to expand with the help of the following new hires.

Currently hiring for:

  * Front end developer

  * Product manager

  * Content writers

  * Designers
meanpath crawls 200 million websites and compiles reports on the technology these sites are using. We currently track over 9,000 different bits of tech which sometimes gets picked up in the press http://techcrunch.com/2013/07/28/bootstrap-3-goes-mobile-fir...

Most of our customers consume this information via our API but we are going to start work on creating a front end so non-technical users can access the information easily. We are entirely bootstrapped and profitable. CTO is based in Ann Arbor, MI and CEO (me) is based in Sydney, Australia. We have a huge team of researchers in Manila who compile and enhance the reports.


We have both US and Australian corporate entities so can sponsor or transfer visas in both countries. If you do not already have a H1B we cannot help with the application process for that as we need to fill these roles now.


Email adam@meanpath.com

I spent six-months pair programming with their CTO (prior to meanpath existing) and learnt more software engineering than my previous courses and career combined. They're not kidding about the Haskell either... :-)

Damn, how do I find an opportunity like that? I'm near Ann Arbor, too!

A honest feedback: Please give some respect to your team members offshore and display their names on About page. Or else clarify that only founders names are listed there...

Speaking as a hiring manager I always look for achievements like this when parsing a resume or interviewing a candidate. The best candidates always have a few standout achievements that really grab your attention.

If you had to summarise your time at your current employer to just a few dot points this one will immediately get noticed: - In my own time I developed a system that helped semi-automate the work of 80 analysts. Overall cost savings in year one were X and time to delivery reduced to Y.

You could also look to launch a business around what you have built but it sounds like it may be too small of a niche to just drop into any business without extensive customisation.

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