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Last week, I started to explore `pass`[1], to move away from my current Authy + iCloud Keychain ecosystems. It's pretty barebones but that's what I like about it. I like it so much that one week later, I've fully migrated away and couldn't be happier.

And the news about the Authy leak yesterday validated my move, if anything.

I don't really care for ente; it's more complicated than what I need from a password manager. And the fact that pass is so much more customizable (being as it's only 700 or so lines of shell script), I don't feel like I need anything more _personally_.

[1]: https://www.passwordstore.org/

I use the same thing, and put together a "distribution" of pass, with a couple of plugins including the OTP extension:


Just clone beneath /opt/pass and configure with the standard environmental variables, or use the default password-store location, and you're good to go. I use this to ensure all my systems have access to the same passwords (which are stored in a private git repository).

Absolutely devastated at the news. Bram was really patient with me based on the few times I tried to contribute. I always liked his way of doing things, despite complaints from others.

I know there are a number of developers who regularly contribute and I hope they can continue developing for it.

Personally, I will archive Bram's last patch for posterity.

Text objects are cool, but `ca)` would remove the parenthesis too. There's no shorter way to get to `my_func(foo);` when your cursor is at the comma, than using the motion OP indicated.

Did you give hiding the map a shot? Makes it a little more challenging.

gandi.net seems to charge $364/year for any .is domain. Namecheap charges around the same price as isnic.

Any reason why I shouldn't register the domain on isnic directly? Are there benefits to registering the domain via namecheap (or other registrar), apart from getting access to their support?

A big thing to consider with registrars is support for 2FA - can't speak to ISNIC, but I recently moved all my domains to Namecheap because they have first-class support for U2F/Webauthn. (And also Hover lost a domain on me but that's another story)

Interesting... I have moved all my domains out of NameCheap for same reason - their "first class support" was just plainly terrible.

Mileage may vary I guess.

I was in the same situation. Moved away from NameCheap to Gandi.Net long ago due to this very thing. Hopefully things have improved for their users.

Gandi supports U2F as well.

And it's just something about a very aggressive marketing strategy like Hover's that doesn't give me a very secure feeling about their product.

I have owned and managed my .is domain directly on ISNIC for over a decade. They support 2FA and the website is available in English as well.

Thanks! I registered directly on ISNIC.

Process was pretty straightforward and I was able to add my DNS records just fine. Do you know if they have any safeguards against domain transfers? I don't see any settings related to that, other than to transfer my domain.

To add another anecdote, I've had a .is domain from ISNIC for about 4-5 years now and have had no problems with them during that time.

I'd be more worried about a registrar messing with my domain than I would the ëyes".

Very early on in my vim journey, I used to use fugitive[1], which is sort of a lighter equivalent of magit for vim. However, I found that too overkill and unwieldy. I never really found any benefits to forcing myself to stay inside vim to run some git command.

These days, I just use git in a tmux split rather than trying to force vim to show some arbitrary git UI. For a nice interactive git UI, I use tig[1]. Tig is essentially like fugitive/magic insofar as it allows me to interactively view a nice graphical log, stage/commit, traverse a file's historical blame, etc. It's a nicer UI compared to something like `gitk`.

I have these mappings in my `~/.vim/vimrc` for git/tig functionalities:

    nnoremap gb :<C-u>echo system('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref @ <bar> tr -d "\n"')<CR>
    nnoremap gB :<C-u>silent !tig blame <C-r>=shellescape(expand("%"))<CR> +<C-r>=expand(line('.'))<CR><CR>:silent redraw!<CR>
    nnoremap gO :<C-u>silent !tig<CR>:silent redraw!<CR>

[1]: https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive

[2]: https://github.com/jonas/tig

Well that's useful.

I've been using `!tig` forever. For some reason it was convenient enough for me to never turn it into a mapping. I feel like `tig` damaged me in the sense that using tig and then pressing `S` is my usual workflow, so I just can't get used to either fugitive or magit.

Thanks for these mappings

Fugitive is really useful for a lot of stuff, though I don't use anywhere near all of its functionality. For example, I never rebase within vim. But blaming and especially staging/committing is a far better experience with fugitive than in plain terminal.

There is interactive blaming, staging and committing with tig too, so give that a try.

That said though, I actually prefer using the shell to stage and commit stuff. I think I'm way faster when I'm on the shell performing those actions than in either tig or fugitive.

Tig looks great but fugitive is in my fingers (been using it for something like 7 or 8 years at this point). I'll still check it out.

Not sure when the last time you used fugitive but there was a major overhaul a couple of years ago. You can expand diffs in the commit window and stage parts of the files.

But obviously, stick with what you're comfortable with!

Also `blame` and `grep`

I mentioned blame! :)

I also make heavy use of :Gedit for easily looking at files on other branches.

Missed that. Never used :Gedit, appears hella convenient

:Gedit master:% is a common one I use to see what the current file looks like on master.

I have started using lazygit in tmux splits or neovim terminals and I love it!

I'm not sure what I did wrong but your mapping didn't work for me on Neovim - it either immediately closed the terminal or didn't know what <bar> means.

Eventually I moved to https://github.com/codeindulgence/vim-tig which does the same via `:Tig` and `:Tig!`.

I added those mappings to achieve something similar:

  nnoremap <leader>gb :Tig! blame<cr>
  nnoremap <leader>g0 :Tig! status<CR>
Thank you for inspiration! Tig FTW!

All the mapping worked fine for me as well in vim, and I found gB to be super useful, earlier I had to go first in tree view and then select the file and then use the blame view.

I don't use neovim so I don't know what the differences are. The commands work fine for me in vim however.

Please check best tig integration for vim. https://github.com/iberianpig/tig-explorer.vim

An example of this that I noticed just recently:

Here's the doc for a deprecated `launch` method of `Process`: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/process....

It's deprecated, and there's no note on what the replacement should be. Xcode, however, has a hint to use the `run` method. This isn't documented anywhere. If I don't use Xcode, I wouldn't know about this replacement.

And here's the replacement document for `run`: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/process....

"No overview available".

This is beyond embarrassing.

I use Newsblur[1] in the browser. The best part of Newsblur for me, is its intelligence trainer.

Suppose you want feeds from website A, but don't want certain stories tagged with "mice", or titles containing "epistemology", and you only want to see articles published by an author named "Joyce Smith", you can do that.

It's pretty great. Reading RSS feeds has become so much more pleasurable. The articles that do make it past the training filters are almost always what I do like to read.

[1]: https://newsblur.com

This. I tried bazzillion different RSS readers / aggregators and Newsblur was the only one that resonated with me:

1. No-nonsense web UI. Simple, fast, logical, intuitive. 2. No ads 3. Decent free tier 4. Great intelligence trainer 5. Good search (finally!) 6. Pre-caching news content on your mobile device (great Android client by the way!) so when it comes to reading content, it comes up instantly.

€36/annum feels a bit steep (it used to be €12/annum when they started as far as I remember) but it works for me.

I would like to add that mobile application also works as expected with all feature set as web application.

I don’t use the training features much, but I love the consistent UI across the web and iOS interface. You can also host your own instance (I do not though) and use the iOS with it.

Conversely, the introduction of News+ and the overwhelming amount of News+ exclusive articles made me delete the app entirely.

At least with Apple Music, I could turn the features off. With News+, I can't.

I replaced it with Reuters and a RSS reader for other news websites. I get way more relevant 'breaking news' notifications from Reuters now than I did with News, so it's been a win on that front.

WSJ tested some of these scenarios: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7xI2dUPN3A

Seems very hard to trigger inadvertently, so it makes sense to me that they use an algorithm that factors in the heart rate and the fall trajectory and velocity.

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