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Something is missing from this reaction: AI. MS is buying a privileged access to billions lines of code with their history and corrections. In 5-10Y times most code will be produced by AI and the simplest way to train a AI system is to to have access to data. That's what they bought, data. Unfortunately this is another step towards more concentration in IT...

are you a member of a swiss business angel network ? any preferred way to contact you ?

thomas followed by a point followed by dullien at gmail.

anybody has experience moving from Flex to dojo toolkit ?

..and in which part of the world are you looking for an internship?

ambient and downbeat http://divbyzero.de (also through http://divbyzeroambient.rad.io/ )


Have a look at clockingit.com : project management, collaboration, time tracking..

(IANAL) In Europe, software is not patentable unless there is a kind of physical/technical effect that goes beyond the normal interaction between the program and the computer.

The usual example is the software to control a anti-lock braking system: as there is a technical effect, it is patentable...

More details here: http://www.epo.org/topics/issues/computer-implemented-invent...

I am in the same process as you and also thinking of Luxembourg. Alternatively have you considered Switzerland (and some specific cantons like Zug ) in your research ?

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