This article discusses an alternative programming
model for services that use location information. The paper
proposes a new architecture for such services, which does not
require users to share information about their location with
service providers (services). This architecture is based on the
author's proposed network spatial proximity model, where geocomputation is replaced by direct proximity measurement. This approach explicitly assumes that most services, using location information, describe (provide) some local services. Accordingly, geo-coordinates are used only for calculating proximity when
searching (selecting) offers. It opens up the possibility of replacing geo-coordinates with direct measurement of proximity. Within the network proximity model, geo-computation is
replaced by direct proximity definitions. And it is proposed to form this measurement of proximity based on the physical availability of signals of wireless network nodes, thus building cyber-physical systems.
Yes, we tried server-less system on WebRTC. The problem is an actual support for WebRTC in mobile browsers. It is even less than HTML5. So, just wait for a moment.
It is server-based. Server-less version will be later as I wrote. Yes, it is like chat rooms, it is like client-server and it is like web. There is a web session actually :). We've tested a way for linking (pairing) two devices. From HTML5 there is File Reading API