@sqfmi is there any chance that we might/could get a blackberry client for beeper? it would give all those old blackberrys sitting in drawers a new life and might actually help with growth of beeper as well.
Anyone know of a scrcpy for windows/mac/Linux? If not, why has there not been a “wired” screen mirroring tool for desktop os? Is it just more difficult than doing it for android?
Not really unless you count Ethernet as wired, in that case there are plenty of tools that work and is probably your best option (thing like parsec, nomachine, or even steam remote play).
As far as I know scrcpy only work because android devices works as USB device/gadget and can be connected to a host, two computers will work both as host and cannot be connected directly. You could do it with something akin to the Raspberry Pi that can work as a USB device instead of a host, but I don't know of any software that does directly(without emulating a network connection, and if you emulate a network connection you could use one of the many sofware for screen sharing) if i remember correctly even scrcpy use ADB to emulate a TCP connection.
Do these limitations also apply to the newer Thunderbolt based usb c ports? If you can’t tell I really miss target display mode and wish a wired cross platform ideally open source solution existed to use any computer as a second monitor.
We leaned really heavily into Jets and found it to be a drop-in replacement for most things we take for granted in Rails. There was some tinkering around that had to be done to get OAuth and a few other things to work properly, but Arist has now paved the path for future orgs to do this easily with patches to Jets and some additional tooling that is easy to find from issues in the Jets issue tracker. The whole abstraction around "ApplicationJob" for spawning trigger-based lambdas in addition to the regular web-serving lambdas is much better and more powerful than having to deal with things like Sidekiq. The fact that every resource gets its own lambda is also very powerful.
Given how trivial it is to set up serverless Rails using something like ECS Fargate, the benefit of running specifically on Lambda is lower than migrating off a tried and tested technology.
With lambda you pay for what you use. It scales endlessly and is quite cheap. Depending on your typical usage and load it can be a huge cost saver (also mentally) as lambda will scale.
With ECS Fargate it costs money even without any traffic and you are responsible for correctly implementing auto scaling.
I'm coming from 10y rails dev background and now full stack typescript. Thinking in pure lambda functions is a breath of fresh air for me.
if this is powering your primary API and you have 24/7 traffic, fargate can actually be cheaper in some circumstances. there's nuance in lambda config, including concurrency, temp space, and memory. pay for usage is nice until it's not.
I’m not entirely sure I wanted to see what HN thought. I was thinking if one’s already using rails+aws are there workloads that are not core app functionality, not frequent, but that when they run need to serve a large number of requests that Jets might be the right tool for the job?
Yes, and I see this phenomenon everywhere now. They completely ignore the explicit instructions we are giving and prioritize their “suggestions” instead. Facebook, Twitter with their default timeline views. On Twitch’s TV app it used to be one click from the main page to continue watching a video now it’s 5 clicks because they replace with suggested channels, recommended blah blah.
One can go blue in the face “quoting” terms on Amazon search but they’ll just show whatever they want anyways completely ignoring the exact terms entered. I’d prefer them to say “we couldn’t find any results for you” than to give me pages of useless results instead.
These types of searches are built for normie users who are likely to not search for exactly one thing, and would find a relevant result good enough. Not to absolve conflicts of interest, but this is simply what you get with giant mainstream monolithic products like Google or Amazon. They optimize for the normal distribution.
Partly deliberate revenue maxxing, partly SEO infosphere pollution, and partly the underlying technical elements of poorly (for the user) implemented embeddings, that have now largely replaced keyword based search. Tldr of the latter mechanism is multiple words share the same vector space representation so you often don't get what you want, but always you get what the model suggests you need. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_embedding
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Wanted to use my 2012 imac as a second monitor for my MacBook and in the absence of target display mode decided to use NoMachine but couldn’t get resolution + separate display without a physical dummy hdmi plug. Thank you
I believe the technology behind Mighty is amazing, the people involved are amazing, the experience for it's users will be amazing.
I believe the underlying reason for HN's reaction to Mighty has almost nothing to do with any of the above. To the contrary, most of us probably feel that Mighty will be a raging success. But we don't actually like that at all. When I reflect on my own thoughts, the reasons my initial reaction is pessimistic are:
1. If Mighty makes badly designed/architected apps "fast", nobody will fix the underlying issues.
2. The internet will be amazing for the folks that can afford to pay $30-$50/month and all others will have to live with a sub-par experience because of #1
3. Some other company will come along and try to subsidize Mighty for all those that couldn't afford it but they'll monetize by advertising and further personal data collection.
4. Further lack of control over core software on our personal computers.
I fear that one day I'll visit a website with a message saying "This website runs best using Mighty".
There were similar sentiments when RSS blogs started moving to medium. Medium is amazing! but at some point medium needed to introduce a 3 item limit.
More and more of the internet which a lot of us remember as this open thing that no one owns is being siloed into privately owned.
Unfortunately, that timeline probably why Mighty will go big - the business model is a trojan horse for a very lucrative global surveillance business, which challenges and likely surpasses current businesses ("social media" and "search engines").
HN and the tech crowd at large is cynical but also naively ethical... missing how ideas can be profitable because we're really thinking in terms of bettering society. Exploitation is where the real money is at.