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One of the great frustrations in these debates, is the tendency to criticize a messenger who sees a cynical system. Instead of blaming the system for being cynical. Sometimes the most Optimistic people are shut out of debates, because they won't assume the system is optimized for a noncynical purpose. My suspicion is that this ostracization is what grows the cynicism out of control.

Yeah. When people notice that something is suspicious, they become complainers. And the complainer is always wrong.

I think it stems from complaining is lazy. Its much more difficult to see why things are they way they are or see the virtue in things even if they have flaws.

Its not that complaining has no place, its just that most complaining is is the lowest common denominator and doesn’t contribute much.

I truly don't see what happened in his administration that was unusually awful. (and I didn't vote for him) Given the constant hyperbole on matter, and now, in the aftermath, I think the antics of his detractors just look ... hysterical. Quite frankly, I think it's these antics that would be likely to see him re-elected. Food for thought.

Imo, it's a flaw in our model. If 'fighting them' failed, then, we should join them. Here, that would mean participation in the ipo, in the style of gamestop. Push the p/e ratio to something completely absurd. Maybe it'll fail as a result. (Thus begetting a libre office, response to an open office initiative.)

Hello, I think your account's ability to post and be seen is being interfered with, as all your comments are greyed as soon as you post, and I had to 'vouch' for this post in order to reply, thought you should know, because this was an otherwise insightful comment.

I'm very skeptical that these technologies will be more efficient than incumbent solutions. These products seem to be designed to comport with well intended political goals, rather than consumer preferences.

It may be that these products are taxes-by-another-name, as consumers either shell out more money for inferior solutions (ebikes, I guess), or, turn to the secondary market instead (for gas leafblowers, say).

After seeing what we did with recycling, I would not be so naive going forward, on the claims of environmentalists. (I still have yet to see the research on the electric car co2 implications of producing batteries and offloading co2 output to power plants, when compared to the incumbent solution)

Ebikes are without doubt both more efficient and superior transportation methods.

They have less space requirements, both in private and public investment, and require less energy to move.

They fit modern requirements for really expensive real estate and rental costs really well.

Overall, I'd expect the efficiencies of the technology to approach similar numbers to what they're replacing, but the businesses profiting off the technology's use will change. Maybe for the better for end customers, and maybe not, but there's disruption opportunities galore

> I still have yet to see the research on the electric car co2 implications of producing batteries and offloading co2 output to power plants, when compared to the incumbent solution

- https://www.transportenvironment.org/discover/does-electric-...

This numbers take into account that countries like Poland use coal to produce electricity. And even that is improving fast.

Also, don't forget that even we in Poland use mostly coal for electricity - and will continue for next 20 years - it's share will fall, hopefully drastically.

Thank-you. Candidly, I think 'no car' is what we should be promoting. I got rid of mine earlier in the year. I may find out this plan is wishful thinking. We'll see.

Hurricane proof windows are fantastic. I install them in all my homes.

That's the same thing as pricing in dollars. If you haven't noticed, Bitcoin is as valuable as the usd/btc pair. It's why every bitcoiner knows what the price of Bitcoin is every day.

There was once a time in America, when this was a marginalized group.

Just 6 years ago they (we) were banned from marrying. And that was fixed by scotus, not democracy because plenty of people were more than happy with that situation.

The numbers in this study aren't about recent grads either; the top-level figures include people that got their degrees decades ago, so it's like a survival-weighted integral over time.

Meanwhile, gay-bashing is still quite popular in rural areas. Are gay men overrepresented in places that aren't overtly dangerous to them?

It wouldn't surprise me if that's part of it. Imagine growing up in a conservative rural working class family. For straight people, staying there and living a working class life could easily happen by default. But for a homosexual the educated city life seems more attractive.

Still is in rural America, which is a little less than half the population.

Throughout history, men have bonded by expressing humor, angst, and emotions regarding sex. It may be an outrage by the moral fashion of today. But, you would have a hard time making the case that this behavior is unusual by incumbent standards of collaboration.

Switch to plaintextaccounting.org. See my other comment on this. I highly doubt you need Quickbooks.

I switched away from Quickbooks, years ago, to plain text accounting. Couldn't be happier. I can do everything better using hledger/ledger, git, vim and make. I don't know what value this software has at this point for a community such as we have here on hn.

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