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“Equity” lmao

Posting like this will get you banned here. Please stop.

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21679557 isn't much better. Would you please review the site guidelines and take the spirit of this site more to heart? We'd be grateful.

I’m bad at this, sometimes I struggle to convince myself I know how to try “hard” at something. Usually I just try to “try” at something hard enough that I get frustrated enough to quit or palpably get something done.

No, it’s not. Rage removes the ability to discuss anything and fuels the “us vs them” mentality which has been proven time and time again to be unhealthy and NOT productive.

Proven when? Proven how?

You think that the ultra-rich don't have an "us-vs-them" mentality? You think that they aren't lobbying and fighting and advertising and campaigning to keep their unearned wealth and power for themselves?

I’m not super rich but I wouldn’t call their wealth “unearned”. Why are you privy to their money?

The rich have an us vs them mentality because the media demonizes them for working hard. I dislike rich people as much as anyone but the productive response isn’t rage. Rage gives the rich even more power and reason to look for more reasons to hide their wealth and exploit.

If you’re so convinced the rich have “harmed” you why not try to move somewhere where you believe your ideals are more aligned?

Nobody earns a billion dollars.

People who take your view that billionaires deserve their money because they "work hard" -- and I'm sure some of them do work hard -- usually don't realize how much money a billion dollars really is. An individual could never work hard enough or long enough or smart enough to deserve that amount of money.

- A million seconds ago was 12 days ago. A billion seconds ago was the 80s.

- With a 5% return on their wealth -- most billionaires actually make closer to 10% returns -- you make $137,000 a day if you have a billion dollars. So the poorest billionaires make more money in a day than 99% of Americans make in an entire year.

- https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/you-have-no-idea-how-m...

Nobody should have that much money. Nobody.

Bill Gates hasn't worked in 15 years, but his wealth has more than doubled.

He has literally sat around doing nothing, occasionally traveling to Africa to boost his PR, and got more money than the median American could make in a million years. How did he "earn" that?

Well didn't he have his money invested in Microsoft, providing them the capital to grow significantly in those 15 years? That's providing a lot of value in my opinion.

Please explain to me how having money means that you should be entitled to other people's money.

Right after you explain why it’s fair for an investor to take on all the risk and get no reward.

What "risk" did bill gates take when he retired with a 40 billion dollar fortune?

Most revolutions that fundamentally changed society required a lot of rage to get going. The French Revolution caused a reorganization European society along much more rational and liberal principles, but the Revolution required a great deal of rage to break out and sustain itself.

Yeah, unfortunately this is a sad truth.

Yeah, I really don’t understand why the bracket of “extreme wealth” is $250k? I’d be all for adding some bracket for earners over $1MM or over a certain amount of capital gains tax. However, a lot of people rely on capital gains for their retirement, so a tax on that money would negatively affect anyone who puts money in the stock market for retirement...

Taxing the super rich is a great idea, but at the end of the day the govt just needs to spend less money on programs that don’t work or aren’t needed.

>Taxing the super rich is a great idea, but at the end of the day the govt just needs to spend less money on programs that don’t work or aren’t needed.


>You could recover some of the wealth that is systemically siphoned (by inflation)/withheld (via wage suppression) from everyone, but you really should look at that whole wealth redistribution mechanism working against centralization of capital in private hands. That's the problem.

Not really buying it. The fact you're pushing these systems off as not working leads me to conclude you've not met the level of understanding to safely do away with Chesterton's fence. There is tons of room for improvement in the execution of these safety nets; but the Market doesn't want people feeling safe. Risk aversion from guaranteed stability makes exploitative employment/compensation schemes more difficult to sustain.

> However, a lot of people rely on capital gains for their retirement, so a tax on that money would negatively affect anyone who puts money in the stock market for retirement...

That's pretty much already solved with 401ks and IRAs which are retirement investment accounts with tax advantages.

Unfortunately there is little agreement on which programs aren't working or aren't needed.

I think a study of emotional fragility with the context of gender would be very helpful in identifying this modern phenomenon. Complicating modern culture in this way can not be conducive to progress or quality of life for anyone involved.

Being asked why I “didn’t understand who or how” horrible design decisions were implemented in a scrapped together ruby monolith by another team. Then being reprimanded when I was honest.

AMZN PIP / workplace principles are also in their own league of Bs.

Milk them for all they’ve got. This is about your quality of life, keep your insurance in the green and do what you think is best for your health.

In the U.S. it's completely legal in most states to purchase armored vehicles. Most people can't afford them since even used decade old vehicles are $300k+ . This is very similar to why it's 100% legal to purchase soft body armor even level 4 (resistant to armor piercing rifle rounds) plates. Personally, banning items like this seems backwards, since politicians and rich people can afford to hire dozens of people with assault weapons and body armor while common folk can't.

Also, claiming something is "resistant to 9mm" doesn't really mean "bullet proof". A lot of things are inherently impervious to pistol rounds, I can just about grantee 7.62x39 or 5.56x45 would sail right through the cybertruck.

> claiming something is "resistant to 9mm" doesn't really mean "bullet proof".

This sounds like the same argument about Autopilot (both the aircraft and Tesla version of it). Pilots know you have to monitor the aircraft constantly while the various autopilot systems are active, however the general public have this "Oh, you just press a button and it flies itself" thing (and apply that assumption to the Tesla Autopilot system).

I had a friend I recently had to cut ties with because he refused to seek help for mental health problems and just self-medicated with marijuana. For context, a mutual friend who owns an edibles company though he consumed too much.

Very curious of your thoughts on marijuana addiction if you’d be willing to share.

This was one of the first times I had to break off a friend because they refused to take care of their mental health. (But mostly a response to a psychotic break and political rant that I decided to walk away from instead of engage in)

It really helped me through a pretty dark period in my life. I had an existential crisis straight out of university.

I think there's value in it as a drug. I thought very creatively while on it, and wrote down a lot of notes for my fiction writing.

The downside for me was that it made it very difficult to motivate myself to exercise and improve my life. I stopped and was going to the gym 3* a week shortly after.

I haven't smoked in over a year, and will probably only do it on special occasions or with friends, if at all.

It's a wonderful drug for sharing experiences, thinking creatively, or getting outside of a rut in your thinking.

But it is not nearly as harmless as people say it is, and I'm glad I've given it up.

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