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I think this survey was populated without any thought.

1. it does not specify to whom this website belongs to, neither what the purpose of this survey is

2. in programming languages, there's not even one lisp dialect. In a survey. For Emacs. :p

[Edit]: correction for 2, as there's clojure. Thanks anamexis.


In terms of time spent programming in Emacs, my dominant languages would be C, C++, C#, Scheme, ELisp and Ruby.

Seems odd to leave out the language Emacs was written in.

Also left out LaTeX.

I generally agree, but re #2, there is Clojure.

Yes, you are correct! Thanks.

Shame though that neither common lisp or scheme are present.

I think it’s because the took the list from the stack overflow developer survey. Probably they’re hoping to pick up more general emacs users and not emacs package developers

Elisp can be used by package developers, but it is really meant to be used by Emacs users. In that, Emacs is fundamentally different than other editors. Users are not only enabled, but encouraged to extend their editor.

Yes, but if you are using emacs for other work, you are hopefully spending most of your time doing that and not writing emacs lisp.

Elisp wasn't included either, but I guess the question above covers that.

Too pricey. They could buy more spambots with less $$.

> Are people with myopia discriminated against in society?

Yes. I am offended by the small letters in ads.

And how has that led to you being passed over for employment or otherwise put you at a disadvantage when competing with others?

<irony> Because wearing glasses makes me feel insecure. </irony>

Yes, a person with disabilities can be ridiculed and feel like crap. A fat one can too. Also one with glasses, long hair, or long nose (or very short, let's include them too, it's the PC thing to do).

Where do you draw the "disadvantage" line?

As much as you are being offended when people are using a series of letters that forms certain words, so do I when people act like irresponsible children putting blame on random words.

> ridiculed and feel like crap

It's not about ridicule. It's not about offence. Why do people always make this same point about offence?

"My freedom of speech allows me to say what I like; FUCK YOU if you want to use your freedom of speech to tell me how much harm my words cause"

People with LD have been subjected to genocidal actions; they've been forcibly sterilised (without their (or their family's) knowledge or permission; they've been used as the subjects of harmful medical experimentation (again, without knowledge or permission); they often find themselves under DNR (without knowledge or permission); they face levels of bullying higher than other other group; they face levels of discrimination higher than any other group; this bullying and discrimination is bad enough when it comes from people in society, but it's often coming from care professionals; they are deliberately excluded from most of society who know nothing about LD.

About "it's just a string of letters" (there are a few strings I'd like to use about you but on HN it'd probably get me a ban): http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-01/osu-wys012616...

> researchers found that participants showed less tolerance toward people who were referred to as "the mentally ill" when compared to those referred to as "people with mental illness."

> For example, participants were more likely to agree with the statement "the mentally ill should be isolated from the community" than the almost identical statement "people with mental illnesses should be isolated from the community."

> These results were found among [...] and even professional counselors who took part in the study.

> "My freedom of speech allows me to say what I like; FUCK YOU if you want to use your freedom of speech to tell me how much harm my words cause"

But they can say FUCK YOU to people who say things they don't like because that's freedom of speech too. Then those people can say FUCK YOU back and have a whole steaming flame war. It's all speech. It may not be productive, and you may not want to participate in it, but there is no law preventing anybody from doing it.

It's only when somebody passes a law against it that it becomes an affront to free speech.

> Call it what it actually is: short sighted, greedy, foolish, etc. Don't use a word that puts down people with disabilities.

No. Language is a liging thing and the meaning of a word can change overtime.

"Greedy" is not the word that applies in this case. Nor is "short sighted". This is a retarted and dangerous behavior, and you should not be afraid to call it for what it is.

See above example with the car and try to imaging is the following happened: you have to drive immediately to a hospital and your car doesn't start because your tire was changed by a non-authorized service.

"Greedy" and "short sighted" are not the words that come in mind. It's a trully retarted and dangerous decision, initially driven by greed (because let's make computers like black boxes, no-one can open it, no-one can mess with it).

What makes you think it's driven by greed?There is absolutely zero evidence for this assumption, and the alternative explanation - that it is a poorly implemented attempt to keep their promises about the security of Touch ID makes perfect sense.

The sad thing in this (politics) is that no one gives a sh!t about real people and real situations besides imaginary currency.

Over the last few years, while Greece sinks slowly due to financial situation, IMF and Germany won't back on austerity measures demands. Even if, in reality, those measures are making the country sink even deeper due to very low income and chopping away peoples' pensions.

As I live in Greece, I can say for sure that the situation is getting worse and worse over time. While Greece took huge loans over the last few years, almost everything went to fuel German and French banks so they won't collapse. Very little -if anything- was used to help the situation. But not even those same countries acknowledge that fact. They demand "their" money that used to fuel their banks. Smart thing (not).

Of course I could be a troll and mention that after WWII Germany received a lot of help to be able to reconstruct the country, even if they slaughtered millions across Europe. But that's politics. ;)

Personaly, I'm tired of all that bs. Europe is _not_ a union and this situation is getting out of hand. Supposedly "friendly" countries demanding everything from another member of the "union" is not what Europe was -supposedly- all about.

At least with a new government that is able to say the word 'no' for a change, almost anyone can see the true face of European "union".

> Of course I could be a troll and mention that after WWII Germany received a lot of help to be able to reconstruct the country, even if they slaughtered millions across Europe.

Well, I'm German, and I think that this is an extremely pertinent point. The German economic recovery after WW2 should have been a blueprint for how to deal with the Greek situation. Germany received both cash infusions (the Marshall plan) and benefited from the deferral of debt (the London Agreement on German External Debts) that required Germany to only repay debts when a trade surplus allowed for it. It was a strategy that allowed both economic growth and debt service. Instead, Greece was strangled by an austerity regimen that impeded economic growth and as a consequence also made it impossible for Greece to fix its debt issues.

Yes, the Greek government was cooking the books when it joined the Euro, but as you correctly point out, that doesn't even come close to starting a couple of world wars. Policy-making should focus on fixing economic problems (that 99% of the population aren't responsible for), not exercises in finger-pointing.

Even if every Euro of Greece's debt was gone tomorrow the country would still need more money every month than it gets in taxes. That's a long way from Austerity.

There unbalanced budget is 100% Greece's fault and has absolutely nothing to do with the EU. Long term the government has three options, collect more taxes, pay fewer benefits, fail. It's obvious which one Greece wants.

PS: Actually paying down their debt is another issue and would require Greece to maintain a surplus. Though, if they had that surplus they could just default and probably be better off.

Is it then the US's fault, for supporting the Greek dictatorship which incurred a large part of the debt? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_military_junta_of_1967%E2...)

Or is it Germany's fault, because Europe wrote off most of their debt in the 1953's (despite being LITERALLY Nazis...), yet they want to savage a populace for illegitimate odious debt, as well as "payments to Greece" which actually went to French and German banks? (http://www.euronews.com/2015/04/17/chomsky-says-us-is-world-...)

Outstanding Greek debt is irrelevant. They could default tomorrow and get rid of it all.

There problem is they need to borrow more money tomorrow, because their budget is not balanced even if you ignore the debt. And if they default the money truck keeping their country afloat stops showing up.

Do you have any numbers to back up your claim? Please supply links w/ numbers if possible.

http://www.wsj.com/articles/greece-expects-primary-budget-su... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/greece-says-eu-imf-lenders-095...

Greece hasn't had a balanced budget in decades, and creditors don't believe that 2015 will be any different. If they can manage to actually not run a deficit in 2015, that would be a great boon for them.

Somehow never was true with Iceland. They never repaid and they are just fine. Actually better than fine. I still remember all this fear-mongering coming from mainstream (i.e. the Economist) that the world will come to an end for Iceland if they don't repay. Nothing happened. They are in much better position than Greece. But they said no to EU demands. They said no to IMF demands. They showed big finger to bankers. And that's the lesson for Greece. They should quit Euro (Merkel will never allow because others would follow suit) and debase currency. Do exactly as Iceland did.

Iceland's situation was nothing like Greece's. Iceland's government defied international pressure to nationalize the debts of its three big, private banks. The banks defaulted, but there was no sovereign default.

The creditors from UK and Netherlands were really pissed off and still are. So mainstream is rewriting the history now?

Couldn't agree more. Government Bonds (like US Treasuries) can go to zero. Really. Like any other investment. German and French Governments demanding from Greece paying off debt like the bonds are still in 2007 is insane. If bankers took risks bought an asset class without doing their homework and then the asset class goes to zero, our response is to pretend it is not zero and pay off bankers? I'm sorry but I thought capitalism is all about risk and reward. They took their risks, they made mistake, the Market should put them back into their place, so others can learn on it. But none of this counts when you can call up die Frau (Merkel) and extort money.

Indeed. Unfortunately the German economic policy debate is stuck in a past that never happened.

Introduced to his music ver yearly in my age. Loved (and still love) this kind of music (even if I live outside the states). After him, I discovered and appreciated so many artists.

His music will live on, reminding people why expressing yourself through arts is so great.

While I'm not going to comment on the programming side of this project[0], I'm going to say that it's very beautiful. Trully.

It runs beautifully on an i386 1.5GHz in surf browser. :)

/request_mode on mode with 90 degree turns. _Exactly_ like Tron. :p /request_mode off

[0]: just because I only want to experience this from a purely user perspective and I'm enjoying it.


edited: format

I'm a bit skeptical about this "feature".

While as a developer I can understand _why_ companies scream against adblock (and that applies also to simple blogs/etc), as a user I understand perfectly that this is their own fault completely.

After so many years of companies serving pop-ups and ads that were not only huge in size (pre-adsl era, yes I'm old :p) but also giving multiple seizures and brain aneurisms, the only sane option is to just disable everything until they find a sane model (for example, something that's not as intrusive, something that does not cripple the site's layout nor it is so abstracting that messes up with the user's reading).

> Also coding in the browser has been a miserable experience.

Basically that ^.

Having tried some web IDEs, I can say it's not a pleasant situation when browser crashes or hangs.

Putting aside local tools or whatever, the editor must must be available at all times, with or without internet connection. At least that's my view. :)

Heck, even email in a browser still is rough going, and I'm using a webmail interface Google has been working on for ages now, in Google's own browser -- but I still write most of my emails in a native mail application.

"Edit X from any anywhere" is a great idea, and "Every time you open the application you'll automatically have the newest version" is a great idea, but when you add them together and get "our application will run in the browser" it falls flat (still) in crucial ways.

Just basic workflow -- work on your code in the browser-based IDE, then (in the same browser, with your multiple tabs and windows) go dig up some ideas on SO, check your gmail... Now flip back quickly to your IDE. Oh -- but it's not in your dock/taskbar, or Alt-tab menu. Which of those browser windows was it in?

You can work around this by tweaking your workflow, and obviously Google in particular is working on browser apps that bridge the gap; I use Postman in Chrome, and that's a better experience. But this is more important than I think a lot of people realized.

I tried using my laptop to edit a document I had saved on Google Docs on the train once. Docs was unusable with a cellular connection. I didn't get to edit the document and now I post on the internet about it at 3am.

I'm sitting in front of my keyboard for like 10 minutes trying to find where to start from... Honestly, I cannot.

> Can you imagine in the year 3,000, when the NSA's documents are ancient history, what kind of insight into the human condition, machinations, good guys, bad guys, plans, history, humanity can gain by seeing every single person's complete activity down to the second, down to when they were composing their thoughts?

Yes, it will be very pleasant - and exciting at the same time - to be able to view - and perhaps enjoy the same - activities of a person that searches for tentacle/eel porn.

Ditto. My first thought was to rage at the rationale behind that post, but I'm glad I stepped back to let it percolate. Scares the shit out of me that presumably normal and respectable and intelligent people see the situation that way...

It's the little helpers that are the problem, not the NSA per se, all those presumably normal, respectable and intelligent people that see nothing wrong with this are the heart of the matter.

Here in nl with some regularity the 'if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear' bull-shit gets trotted out and it is really aggravating but at the same time it helps to have a window into the minds of those that would be happy to live in a world like that.

Me, I'd rather see whole generations of criminals walk free than to see the world lose all those things that were hard-won not all that long ago.

Every thread like this eventually converges on comparisons with the former Third Reich and we tend to shy away from that comparison because obviously the differences are legion but at the same time you have to really worry what a future political powershift could do with the data they would have at their disposal. At a guess any resistance would be dead before they even got to first base.

Except not even, because the data will never see the light of day, only hidden / stolen by bad actors. The only historical significance will be how huge of an over-reaction we had to 9/11 and the perceived threat of drugs.

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