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How accurate are NK statistics?

No way of knowing. Remarkable that it's below 2 either way for such a poor country. If they faked it they surely wouldn't have made it lower, so it's possible the real rate is even below that.

Poor countries are usually religious which plays an impact on the fertility rate. The last numbers I saw were 70% of North Koreans are not religious.

Effect of religion on fertility is vastly overstated. Education level of women is the biggest factor.

Pure propaganda, but it's really hard to estimate. At least with China you have some data. Chinese government would say there were 10.5 mln live births in 2021, but there were only 4.6 mln mandatory tuberculosis vaccinations distributed.

Some kids were not vaccinated, you can use a single dose for 2 kids, but that gives you 9.5 mln.

>US companies have been doing the same thing all over the world. Outside the west, everyone can see the hypocrisy

It is not necessarily hypocrisy. I haven't paid too much attention, but does the US say China banning Facebook or Google is anti free speech?

If not, then the US is not being hypocritical. Perhaps, double standards or something like that is more of what you were looking for?

>Ban it by all means, but you will become just like China

China builds roads. If the US builds roads it will become just like China.

>a state that censors information and speech from its citizens because the government is scared of it.

You think Europe is doing this when they banned RT, right?

I hope you were paid more than 50 cents for all the bootlicking you have been engaging in through this thread. If the West is as bad as you say, please just move to China and leave the rest of us alone.


We've banned this account for egregiously breaking the site guidelines and ignoring our request to stop. You can't post like this here, regardless of how wrong someone else is or you feel they are, and the site guidelines are entirely clear about it: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html.

Normally I would post a warning rather than ban you for this, but it looks like your account has been using HN primarily for ideological battle, and that's a line at which we ban accounts, especially when (as is the case here) we'd already asked you to stop. (Btw we do this regardless of which ideology the account is battling against or for.)

>I don’t believe the average western person would care at all if they could afford fewer cheap products

I don't think this is the case. The average person wants a lot of things for cheap. Also, more expensive items like computers and phones would increase in price. People like having the newest phones, but might be priced out of it if it increased.

I don't think he is doing it strictly because the remaining team can't handle the development. He talked about open sourcing the recommendation algorithm before he even bought Twitter. Back in November 2022 he said:

>One of the things that I believe Twitter should do is open-source the algorithm.

>Any changes to people's tweets -- if they're emphasized or de-emphasized -- that action should be made apparent ... so there's there's no sort of behind-the-scenes manipulation, either algorithmically or manually.

They somewhat address that point by just saying they will figure it out later.

>Some will say that this narrows the kind of roles that we can hire for. In particular, different roles can have very different comp models (sales often has a significant commission component in exchange for a lower base, for example). There is truth to this too – but for the moment we’re going to put this in the "but-this-can’t-scale" bucket.

We don't really know that Whatsapp has achieved challenge #1.

Regardless, here are two big reasons why Signal is superior.

1. Not owned by Facebook

2. Open Source

Looks like it was as peaceful as other protests described as mostly peaceful that have happened over the last few years.

Which Russian media has been banned in the US?

Well it seems like they are better off than on social security

>At the end of fiscal year 2018, the average annuity paid to career rail employees was $3,525 per month, the average annuity paid for all retired rail employees was $2,815 per month, and the average retirement benefit under Social Security was $1,415 per month

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