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It'd be a lot less work to just buy a legit Mac. ;-)

If they weren't so fucking expensive, or if Apple _openly_ allowed you to install it on whatever the hell you wanted to, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

There very little aspect of learning, challenge, and fun in just buying something off the shelf, however.

I don't believe in anything supernatural.

It must have something to do with Guitar Hero and Rock Band.

It's an interesting idea, the first thing I noticed was that the design doesn't look very modern or professional, it gives a bad first impression.

The outer glow on the logo is kinda tacky. I can tell you've invested a lot of time into this, so investing in a really talented designer/brander might be something to look into.

Your mac screenshot image covers up half of the learn more and sign up buttons. It's an easy fix, give this selector ( body.brochure.new_index #landing.box #screenshot a )position: relative and give em a z-index:1000 or something.

Also, you have a lot of serif fonts, maybe you should consider making your menu and header text sans serif?

I have to second this. I do not have an eye for design and I know this. It's just my weakness. Having a good designer on board is an absolute must. If you want a suggestion, try http://www.monfx.com/ | http://www.mdolon.com/ -- he is here on Hacker News and he designed http://www.feedbackarmy.com and http://www.afterthedeadline.com for me.

I know monji personally through entrepreneur meet ups and he's great. Also worked on a YC funded start up way back when as well.


position: relative is now fixed on the screenshot. Sign up and learn more buttons are now clickable.

I think you have to find the right type of people to write full reviews without incentive. Maybe people would be more apt to review sites if it wasn't so much work. Maybe you could use a system where people type a couple of words in review of the site, rather than a huge amazon.com style product review.

You could just put a small textarea up in your top launchly info frame where people can leave small page specific comments about sites.

Speaking from personal experience, I went to your site clicked around, looked at a couple of the sites. I did find a few things that I could suggest about them, but didn't have the motivation to write a dissertation about the problems.

Hope this helps.

That does help but I'm still not understanding why you WOULD write up a review/feedback here but not there.

A bit off the primary topic of but you mentioned a system where people could type a couple of words in review of the site. Was there something about launchly that made you feel like you had to write a lengthy review? Feedback can be any length so you could write something as simple as "Your logo is crappy and I don't see any market for your service." I mean more in-depth is obviously more helpful but there's no minimum amount of helpfulness :-)

Can you think of what would have motivated you to provide feedback (of the non-dissertation variety of course)?

Oh, I see I think I misunderstood your question. HN has points, and it's more of a two way "discussion." Maybe you should, rather than have comments have discussions (I know this is probably the same thing given a different name)

As for the second problem, I guess (personally) I see a huge textbox where you ask for my name, email and an optional website, and I just don't feel motivated. I think you could have a small, anonymous comment spot that felt more like a tweet rather than a post.

Oh and as an aside, I didn't realize that you had the comment overlay button when I viewed a site. Maybe add some words to the icon to make it OBVIOUS for unobservant people like me?

Yah, the feedback is threaded for each site just like HN posts are so it is a discussion back and forth between site owners and those that give feedback. You can also vote the comments up (with the Like link) similar to the points on HN but it's probably not as obvious.

The comment system currently uses Disqus because many people already have an account with them so they don't need another one on launchly. That form you mentioned is their version of an anonymous comment but maybe it is too invasive with the name/email/website stuff? I've been considering ditching Disqus but they bring a lot to the table... I will make the comment overlay button more obvious, thanks.

I wonder how this will affect estimates of the Drake equation?

I would assume it's because facebook has become a great way for that age group to get in touch with people they haven't seen in years, not for job networking, although I may be wrong.

I'm not sure about that. On a recent plane trip, I sat next to a 14-year-old who was lamenting that her mom was now on FaceBook because she needed to be for job leads. I've heard similar stories from several of my recently-out-of-college friends.

And my cubemate is Facebook-friends with her manager, which makes for an interesting dynamic in what she can or can't post online...

Wow, that's interesting, my gut reaction was that the site had turned into a free alternative to classmates.com.

Very strange. LinkedIn is infinitely better for professional networking.

Yeah, that's what I've noticed too. LinkedIn doesn't seem to have much penetration outside of tech hubs though - I noticed a big difference in adoption just going from Boston to Silicon Valley. The girl in question was from Williamstown, MA, which is basically just two streets and a college in northwest Massachusetts. I'm not too surprised FaceBook beats it out, given the large student and academic population.

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