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lordnacho, as tptacek wrote below (which also applies to DSA);

>a full repeat instantaneously destroys security with a single pair of signatures

Roughly--assuming ECDSA parameters (H,K,E,q,G)--where H is a hash function, E the Elliptic Curve over finite field K w/ point G of prime order q. Suppose two different messages m and m' have been signed with private key x using the same (non-ephemeral) random nonce value of k.

According to ECDSA Signing these messages m, m' become signatures (r,s), and (r',s') where;

  r = r' = kG,

  s = (H(m) + x*r)/k   mod q,

  s' = (H(m') + x*r)/k  mod q.
Observe that,

  (H(m) + x*r)/s = k = (H(m') + x*r)/s'  mod q.

  x*r(s' - s) = s*H(m') - s'*H(m)  mod q.
Which allows us to recover the private key x.


  x = s*H(m') - s'*H(m) / r*(s' - s)  mod q.

The problem is really much worse than this. You don't merely need a non-repeating nonce (the way you can get away with a GCM nonce that increments by 1 every session): you need an unbiased nonce.

I believe an natural segue here is to remind people about cryptopals (especially set 8). Ie., I don't have the chops and wouldn't attempt to writeup EC/DSA nonce bias and partial key exposure attacks better than you all--not to mention the challenges regarding GCM. Cheers.

>Ralf-Phillip Weinmann had a good Black Hat presentation about this bug class.



Thanks for posting; found many sections interesting especially 3.2;

>3.2. Does NSA have an $n^{1/3}$-algorithm for finding elliptic curve discrete logs? ...

In 2013 Bernstein and Lange described such an algorithm albeit with intractable pre-computation costs. [https://www.iacr.org/conferences/asiacrypt2013/slides/44.pdf]

In the paper Koblitz and Menezes say "it is conceivable that the NSA has found (or believes that there might exist) a similar algorithm that requires far less precomputation."

This made we wonder; are there any historic example(s) of an algorithm we have improved over time which lead to the side stepping of a previously unavoidable and large pre-computation?

It is not a common occurrence, but it does happen occasionally.

Once upon a time the best known way to compute discrete logarithms was Shanks's Baby-Step Giant-Step. This method begins by constructing a table of size sqrt(p), and then finds a logarithm in time sqrt(p) as well. But in 1978, Pollard came up with the rho algorithm, which did not require any storage beyond 2 group elements, and had the same asymptotic runtime! This method relies on collision-finding, and is still the best algorithm today---in a modified fashion to make it parallelizable---to attack elliptic curves.

Another example happened in integer factorization, but is more nuanced. In the early 1980s, the best known integer factorization algorithm to break semi-primes (i.e., RSA keys) was the quadratic sieve. Now, the quadratic sieve runs in time exp( sqrt( log n log log n ) ), but also requires storage proportional to the size of its factor base---exp( 1/2 sqrt( log n log log n ) ). Then in 1985 Lenstra came up with the elliptic curve method, which once again requires little storage and has the same asymptotic runtime as the quadratic sieve. In practice, however, the quadratic sieve will be faster for RSA numbers. And in 1990, the number field sieve improved the running time to something curve-based methods could not match.

Thanks for your response; 1971 Shanks' BSGS improvement to 1974 Pollard Rho for DLP is indeed a nice example.

My mistake; 1978 Pollard's Rho algorithm for DLP. Was looking at Pollard's Rho for integer factorization at the time. On that note; what a monster this Pollard character. Wonder what he is up to these days.

Following the "List of my papers" section from the "Number Theory" page https://sites.google.com/site/jmptidcott2/nthy

>Some authors even applied the name "kangaroo" to any random walk in a cyclic group. This is zoologically absurd (a kangaroo cannot jump in one bound to another continent) - and mathematically confusing.

Spurred by this thread and especially after studying BSGS and the Pollard Rho for DLP set of algorithms more in depth over the last few days; I found his clarification and justification regarding the "taxonomy" of these methods entertaining and enlightening. Thanks again.

"Verification of a Cryptographic Primitive: SHA-256", Andrew Appel


Thanks for the link. I always enjoy reading Appel's work.

In a cryptographic context;

>1.12 Definition

>A function f from a set X to a set Y is called a one-way function if f(x) is “easy” to compute for all x \in X but for “essentially all” elements y \in Im(f) it is “computationally infeasible” to find any x \in X such that f(x) = y. [0]

>1.16 Definition

>A trapdoor one-way function is a one-way function f : X -> Y with the additional property that given some extra information (called the trapdoor information) it becomes feasible to find for any given y \in Im(f), an x \in X such that f(x) = y. [0]

[0]; Menezes, A.; Oorschot, P. van; Vanstone, S. (2001). Handbook of Applied Cryptography (5th ed.). CRC Press.

For a slightly more mathematical introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3JzdKE-Fhs along with accompanying slides http://crypto.biu.ac.il/sites/default/files/3rd_BIU_Winter_S... both from ""3rd BIU Winter School on Cryptography: The basics of elliptic curves - Nigel Smart".

What I didn't say is that I wrote one :) So I don't think I need one.

Here are links to the videos in a larger format;

# Opening Remarks with Alex Stamos


# Trust and the Future of SV with Alex Stamos and Frank Chen


E2E Encryption with Yan Zhu


Zerocash with Zooko Wilcox-O’Hearn


TLS with Adam Langley


Secure Messaging with Trevor Perrin


Legislation and Let’s Encrypt with the EFF


Thanks for your comment. It brings up positive nostalgic memories for me. I grew up speaking, reading and writing three different languages, as well as constantly hearing another being yelled through the phone.

Not sure about the article; personally it's helped me be able to adapt quickly in lots of foreign places and realize that with a little time and enough "banging your head against a desk" anything can be understood (even Cyrillic alphabets).

Same here. Fluent in 4 languages. For me the best advantage is not learning just the language, but the whole culture. If you can't laugh to comedy standup stars and understand the culture of other people, it really doesn't help much if you are fluent in one language or more. Languages also promote a more liberal worldview and more tolerance for others.

I agree with you - the moment you learn another language, you step outside the borders of your own culture, metaphysically, and are able to see things from a different perspective than what is normal. That's the value - and the liability - of language, in my opinion.

The world would be a better place if we all spoke more than just our mother-tongues ..

Here is a nice starting point for a generic rb tree structure in SML.

        (* generic red-black-tree in Standard Jersey ML *)

        type key = string

        datatype color = R | B

        datatype tree = E | T of (color * tree * key * tree)

        fun rbmem (x, E) = false
          | rbmem (x, T (_,a,y,b)) =
            if x < y then rbmem (x,a)
            if x > y then rbmem (x,b)

        fun balance ( (B,T (R,T (R,a,x,b),y,c),z,d)
                    | (B,T (R,a,x,T (R,b,y,c)),z,d)
                    | (B,a,x,T (R,T (R,b,y,c),z,d))
                    | (B,a,x,T (R,b,y,T (R,c,z,d)))) = T (R,T (B,a,x,b),y,T (B,c,z,d))
                    | balance body = T body

        fun insert (x,s) =
            let fun ins E = T (R,E,x,E)
                  | ins (s as T (color,a,y,b)) =
                    if x < y then balance (color,(ins a),y,b)
                    else if x > y then balance (color,a,y,(ins b))
                    else s
                val T (_,a,y,b) = ins s (* guaranteed to be non-empty *)
            in T (B,a,y,b)

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