> it was discovered by Jia Zhou et. al. in 2011, and it’s far more efficient than our naïve method. (You generate a five character string where one character is a dash – YouTube will autocomplete those URLs and spit out a matching video if one exists.)
I think you're vastly oversimplifying their stance as merely "refusing to accept a deal". If studios are waiting for writers to "start losing their apartments and losing their houses,"[1] that is a major negative impact to people's lives.
>that is a major negative impact to people's lives.
I fully acknowledge the hardship that the union members are going through, and that the impact is likely disproportionate. However, that's a negative impact brought on by themselves by choosing to engage in said strikes. The union might still be in the "right" in terms of what they're demanding, but they're still the proximate cause of their own hardship.
This is a very cruel take, lacking such empathy that you blame the least powerful people in an industry for demanding a living allocation of the vast wealth the industry creates from those in power that decide the allocations? Walk away from your career and surrender if your partners decide to take all the income from you? What an odd way to live your life. What an impossible way to live a life.
>This is a very cruel take, lacking such empathy that you blame the least powerful people in an industry ...
See my previous comment: "The union might still be in the "right" in terms of what they're demanding, "
My only point was that the union and its members was presented with two choices: accepting a "bad" offer, or striking in hopes of getting a better offer. If they chose the latter and lost out, it was entirely their decision that led to their predicament.
With something as egregious as this, I don't think that's sufficient. Other companies could see this and also think they can do it once without serious consequences. There should be a harsher penalty for even doing this in the first place.
In general, potassium is found in fruits and vegetables. It has to be spread throughout the day, because high quantities of potassium at once have a laxative effect. The highest concentrations are found in some vegetable concentrates — the densest source in your cabinet is probably tomato sauce. It is present in milk and yogurt but not in cheese.
Potatoes and other starchy vegetables like squash and plantains have significantly more potassium than grains, but it's not necessary to completely give up grains. I usually put a 50/50 potassium/sodium ("Lite") salt on the oatmeal or grits I make for lunch (work requires speed), but I don't bother with it otherwise.
Forbidden? Some people don't like it, bit its certainly not forbidden. This gross hyperbole doesn't help the situation, I think it makes the topic all the more polarized. People who are overweight or obese to the point of being unhealthy are of course going to be defensive about it, and sure part of the current culture may be growing to support them in this with the growing number or overweight or obese people, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it, just that we need to consider this defensiveness in our approach.
This was not my experience at all. School libraries provided a wide variety of content, books spanning many genres, time periods, etc. I read a little bit of everything and am grateful to have been able to experience that, instead of being constrained to whatever some adults may have thought would have been "good for me".
It's true that I had access to public libraries with this same variety, so what happens when those are the next target? I couldn't afford to buy books on Amazon. Would I just have been forced to read e.g whatever religious or political media that's been approved for my consumption?
There's gotta be somebody you can pay to help you develop social skills. Kind of like etiquette schools or something, maybe with opportunities to practice. It's like a personal trainer of sorts. I'd charge, what, maybe $60/hr to take somebody with me to the dog park and help them engage in conversation, give them feedback and ideas, etc.
Stephen Grider made a cool website[0] that allows people to make and use databases using PostgreSQL statements for his udemy course[1] about SQL. It's great for learning and testing and has been around a while so I feel like he should get some attention/credit too
I’d love to see udemy courses on postgresql administration beyond the basics… I’d love something to get you to, say, a junior-level dba. Focused on postgresql of course.
> it was discovered by Jia Zhou et. al. in 2011, and it’s far more efficient than our naïve method. (You generate a five character string where one character is a dash – YouTube will autocomplete those URLs and spit out a matching video if one exists.)