True. Worth noting that this is coming up because the volunteers are being mistreated and people were looking for laws that could protect them, and may have found more than they were looking for.
- Stack Overflow illegally changed the content license without permission from authors (Creative Commons allows such license changes for adaptations but not collections such as Stack Exchange) and refuse to clarify their legal justification (do they feel they have the right to change to any license they choose?):
FWIW every job I've had in my 7-year career came from connections that stated though Stack Overflow. No one's hiring on the basis of reputation score, but many employers do reach out to users who have repeatedly demonstrated their technical communication and knowledge.
Some context, although really this is the culmination of a five year breakdown in community trust and there's way too much background to sum up briefly.
Not to mention that software may disable your hardware's USB ports if it thinks they're dirty - a feature in Android 10, if I read right
When I replied to their survey that I wanted "tech articles written by other developers", I was imagining a platform for Stack Overflow authors to contribute longer-form work -- an idea that's been floated by staff for most of the life of the site! I wasn't expecting random cross-promotional content.