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Yeah, communism hasn't been really tried yet - let's try it again, I believe this time it will just work out.

On a sidenote, please read "The Gulag Archipelago".

Switched to KeePass when they introduced the subscription model. I believe the only app that I tolerate as subscription is Lightroom CC. I want to minimise subscriptions because otherwise it is 5$ here, 10$ there and at the end it can be a surprising amount I have to pay each year. But yes, for some apps it may be worth it, but for 1Password I found suitable alternatives.

What subscription model? KeePass has no subscriptions, just local exec app.

Pretty sure they're saying they switched to KeePass when 1Password introduced the subscription model.

yes, that was what I meant.

yes, that's also what surpised me and I have my concerns with it. They don't have to know my affiliation (if I have any), it's none of their business.

I hope you topple the rat king sooner than later!

Hope so. Thanks!

They do it, because we let them do it. They obviously can get away with it.

In fairness, how would people even react? Almost all major TV platforms have ads and all of this is on products long after sale. If everyone is guilty, how does anyone get punished?

Well we aren't just consumers, we are also citizens. Forcing ads into your devices sounds like a collective action waiting to happen, especially if it's done via an update. And further down the road some sort of advocacy group/lobbying may be in order.

I ran the same route as you, and bought a eGPU enclosure and a GTX 1060 some years ago but then gave up after it frustrated me enough. Well it didn't work that bad but I had the feeling that OSX wasn't as stable as in the past and I was mostly using Windows 10 at work anyway (Visual Studio for SharePoint development) so I switched back after 6 years of using a Mac to a PC and haven't regretted it. Windows 10 works great, there is WSL or I can run ubuntu on a Hyper-V or VBox. The only thing I directly missed are Final Cut Pro X - but I now use DaVinci Resolve and Garage Band (I now use LMMS).

I can tell, it never crossed my mind. Never saw anything related to slavery/race in this and still don't see anything now. In German the word Meister is also used, for example "Meisterberuf", "Lehrmeister", "Bäckermeister", "Weltmeister" - it has nothing to do with slavery, in most of the cases it just means a person who has mastered something. You have this to, e.g. "Master of Arts". So now what, should this also be renamed? "Skillful Person of Arts" maybe? This word bastardization reminds me really of 1984 and I fear it dumbs us all down.

I heard this story a few weeks ago and it made me realize a thing that I dislike in Zen Buddhism, at least the perception of Zen Buddhism I have. Isn't this way (and surely other ways) of Buddhism not also some "tainted" way of life. For me it looks very Nihilistic. Shouldn't Buddha be a good role-model - so how can he have left wife and kid? In Buddhism or at least Zen Buddhism I believe there is great emphasis on the concept of non-attachment, you should not cling on to things. You must let go of everything to find your Buddha nature. So it makes sense, that Buddha has left his family to sit under the tree. But for me this is such a denial of the human nature and thus it feels unnatural, unwise and just like other religions and sects with their doctrines and dogma. I'm a big "fan" of Robert Sapolsky and his courses of Human Biological Behavioral Evolution. Buddhism, especially Zen, gets often seen as a God-less, very logical, very humanistic religion. But there are elements, like in any cult. Dogma which would lead to the human race going extinct if everybody would follow it. I don't believe in Gods but I must admit but I am rather attracted to the (crazy :-) ) Mythology of Asatru, because it feels much more natural and in symbiosis with the human nature to me.

> So it makes sense, that Buddha has left his family to sit under the tree. But for me this is such a denial of the human nature and thus it feels unnatural, unwise and just like other religions and sects with their doctrines and dogma.

The separation was a during his spiritual search. After he attained what he was looking for he reunited with his son.

Sometimes we have to go away to figure things out. After he reached his goal, the Buddha spent the next fifty years surrounded by people whom he taught and counseled.

Let me flip it for you. What about Alexander the great, or other historical figures? Shouldn't he have stayed home with his family instead of starting a senseless war and then dying in India?

How come this double standard is always trotted out against the Buddha, when all these other conquering, massacring guys get away with it?

Well the Buddha is usually brought up as a nice guy rather than the conquering, massacring type. Hence the different standards.

I thought zen taught that you shouldn't follow the Buddah as if he was a role model, as if he was a religious figure like in other religions.

"Kill the Buddah if you encounter him" might be something to do with it but might be unrelated?

I also remember something about how Buddah can be found in the butchers shop, as if to say "stop looking for him as if he was something outside you, you are doing it wrong." Or about how if you get buddhahood you can be quite comfortable cutting up dead animals (i.e. Buddah is comfortable in nature)

But that might be exactly the problem. This Buddha-Nature, the enlightenment thing, to me honestly is just like the believe in a God in other religions. It is very cult like for me.

I heard there are lot of stories out there of so called Zen Masters who claim to have achieved enlightenment (those according to your example, who can drink alcohol, kill animals for eating them) who get drunk and otherwise act weirdly and it is excused with "well, we cannot understand them, they are enlightened and we not, so we cannot see the wisdom in their actions".

I have not much personal experience with Zen, but heard that this is not so uncommon.

But of course, this doesn't say, that there are personal benefits in meditating, leaving a life without drugs, have a focused mind etc. - but maybe this things are mainly a new, western construct, attached to the base religion of Buddhism.

"leaving without drugs" -> "living..."

Nice, looks good. This reminds me on this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Louis-Arzviller_inclined... - but it is not as good looking.

Sex is taboo? Where is that? Maybe in sharia oriented societies - but in the US with it's prudish attitude they don't differ that much in this regard.

> Sex is taboo? Where is that? Maybe in sharia oriented societies - but in the US with it's prudish attitude they don't differ that much in this regard.

Wasn't sex outside marriage a felony in Utah until recently? Pretty sure the sharia wasn't applied there…

My point is that the American puritan roots are still alive and kicking, both in conservative circles obviously but also liberal circles with people getting "distressed" at the sight of any kind of eroticism in art or entertainment.

Until struck down by the Supreme Court in 2003, Sodomy laws existed in some US states. These targeted not just same sex couples, but often all couples and prohibited acts such as oral or anal sex even for married couples.


Yes, that's what I said?

In some areas of the US, we still teach kids (especially girls) that they are damaged if they have sex outside of marriage. That is instead of teaching about safe sex practices and things like that. We don't always take rape seriously - for either sex. Don't show a nipple on TV, especially not on "public" broadcast or during certain times of day. Certainly never, ever show a penis on these channels - that's especially vulgar.

These are all clues that sex is taboo. We can't even have honest conversations about it and it causes a bit of obsession with it devoid of healthy attitudes.

From where does it come from? I guess also from so called religious values or at least from what some of the Churches make out of it. I believe the polytheistic are much open minded regarding sexuality than the monotheistic ones - or maybe as Islam sprung from Christianity and Judaism and Christianity from Judaism it is only this specific strain that has a problem with sexuality.

The virginity thing comes from a time where women and girls were considered property, first of the family then of a husband, and potential husbands usually want(ed) a pristine product not a "used" one.

> believe the polytheistic are much open minded regarding sexuality than the monotheistic ones

Not really, it depends on whatever religion. Hinduism, 3rd largest of all religions and largest polytheistic religion, makes a big deal about premarital virginity of women, at least in all the major branches/sects of it.

So maybe it is probably the enshrinement of "I want to make sure that the woman only makes kids with the copies of my genes" into religious doctrine.

I agree. It probably got fixed into our instincts and our culture a long time ago.

How many places is it legal to have sex in public?

In a few European countries for instance, including Germany.

Though, taking Germany as an example, you might run into legal troubles if you make a nuisance of yourselves knowingly or on purpose. [1]

Americans are considered pretty prude, uptight, and christian fundamentalist when it comes sexuality here, while US citizens can have quite the culture shock and think us crazy. The laws surrounding sexuality are really just the tip of the iceberg.

[1]: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/__183a.html

I don't really want random people fucking in the streets, that's not even about the taboo aspect of it. Get a room.

That's exactly the taboo aspect of it.

Replace word “fucking” with any other activity and you’ll see how taboo it is. Hint, try “laughing”, “hugging”, “playing”

A softer facet is kissing in public, or PDA's how they're called by some. I find it ridiculous some people are offended by this, but maybe I am extremely shameless.

Definitely in the US, Europe not so much.

How long did the drama over a nipple being shown during the egg ball final last?

Drama only lasts a long time when there’s people on both sides arguing about it though.

This is what these “grand unified theories of American prudery” miss — the US isn’t a uniformly prude nation; it’s just a very large and diverse one. It contains people who are very prude as well as people who are the opposite — it contains people who write in to the FTC to complain about not-quite-nipples on TV, but it also contains the sort of people who thought that showing a 40 year old woman’s saggy boob during an afternoon football game was a good idea in the first place. It contains people who complain about porn, but it also contains most of the global porn industry.

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