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Yes, the news is what it says about customer loyalty to a propriety ereader. I can see why Amazon does not make any attempt to stop the nonsense.

The next chapter will be interesting: Will the publisher cave in and permit a Kindle edition?

This takes you through just about everything you need, all packages, etc. (but assumes you already have Debian set up)

For folks on Mac, etc., you may want to just Google about pre-packaged MAMP - Mac/Apache/Mysql/PHP. (I'm not sure whether there is anything set up for PHP 5.3 and latest MySQL yet.)

For a local testing server you shouldn't need to worry about performance.

Yes, but not leads to the best discussions on HN - even the business-related ones.

But, I agree, it may be a nice supplement to my several-times-a-day visiting to HN.

However, some of us entrepreneur-wannabees still rely on "hands-on technical work" while working nights to plan a start-up. This may call for extra resourcefulness for future start-uppers.

Of course there's no evidence/data cited that it is yet a profitable profit center for Facebook.

Readability is a (somewhat experimental?) service offering from Arc90, which self-describes as:

"Founded in 2004 in Brooklyn, arc90 was created with the goal of designing and building captivating and forward-thinking experiences on the Web. Our strategists partner with you to identify opportunities and help execute on them at all stages including design, architecture and development."

They've got a bunch of interesting projects underway so they may sort of have "a full plate" - but it looks to me like they use Readability as a way to gain visibility and positive press, so hopefully they'll be resourceful enough to take this beyond v .4

There's a real need for people with IT skills to serve the nonprofit community. These look like some good starting points to finding a place you'd appreciate serving... and that would appreciate you.

Re: all the deficiencies of this article: It's journalism(-ish). Not even science journalism. The NG heading says it all: "Adventure Travel - National Geographic Adventure Magazine" ...not even the main NG site, but the "adventure" subdomain.

More suitable for pondering than analyzing, IMHO.

In the final paragraph he compares himself with Capt Kirk, facing the Kobayashi Maru: "we can only solve this problem by redefining the question."

Well, perhaps that's as difficult as solving the "SQL scalability that 20 years of brilliant programmers haven't solved"?

...because he declines to attempt to reframe the question.

[ or maybe he's leaving us wanting more: like his next post? ]

Anybody up for reformulating the question?

Hmmm: 28 up-mods at this point, but no comments. I'm novice at JS, and wondering if the author (Lengstorf)'s take on JSON usage agrees with the more experienced developers here.

In particular: any expansion on his minimal discussion about security issues? Thanks in advance.

I could explain, or I could direct you to this link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/559600/is-getting-json-da...

Thanks. The link is a good answer. I'm gathering, then that the concern is just that the need for sanitizing the input code was not dealt with in the OP?

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