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Indeed, but Valve has already other viable business and a lot of fans that will be more easily convinced to try the game. It's not the same situation.

Sony also has other viable business and a lot of fans that will be more easily convinced to try the game. Concord isn't some random game, it's a massive bet by Sony, a giant in the gaming industry.

The development of the game was started 7 years before Sony bought the studio. I agree Sony is in similar position than Valve, but the studio was lucky to find Sony to back them IMHO.

And Sony doesn't ?

Fully prepared to eat these words, but what live service games does Sony have that are in the same realm as Counter-Strike, DOTA, and TF2?

That's why Valve fans will need less convincing than Sony.

In a similar spirit, I have started an experimental go to c++ compiler. But it's not in a usable state at the moment (no gc, imports management is not finished, some syntax are still not managed) and the code is probably quite bad as I'm not used to program in go. (The repo is here: https://github.com/Rokhan/gocpp if anyone interested).

I vaguely remember that the first version of the go compiler compiled into C.

Even if you can change in both directions with good arguments. The fact that changes are faster in one direction progressively shift the global situation.

>> “GM crops have never been proven safe,” Pelegrina asserted.

This argument is always funny as we can also say "Traditional crops have never been proven safe"

The "do" refers to "know" or "want" ?

The knowing. I definitely don't want to live there. I have successfully unsubscribed my household from the Prime subscription. I haven't ordered anything from them in many years. And never will again if I can help it.

Indeed. Seeing the downvotes, it seems many people misunderstood your comment.

Maybe it's exactly what they want (I didn't check the links). Maybe they want to make someone they don't like banned.

84 deads comment, it's the first time I see something like that here.

Or just append the string to output without asking the LLM to do it :-).

> The fact that they CAN exert so much power on information access in

They don't have any power on information access. They just require their citizen can decide what you do with it. There is no central system where information is stored that can be used in future by authoritarian leadership. But the information stored about American by American companies can be use in such a way if there one day an authoritarian leadership in America.

Do you know if it would be possible to create a new client and create something completely different than wow or is it fundamentally tied to wow gameplay ?

Why so you can change the timeline and seize the crown from Thrall when he invited you to join him in Durotar and you declined? Because you have my axe if you do - the Horde should have stuck to its wild roots!

Don’t need a new client to put Thrall on the throne in Stormwind.

If they can do events like Battle of Undercity, or that event where you bring in Onyxias head, I bet you could script a cool assault on Stormwind and put Thrall on the throne.

Hang some Horde banners in the walls.

What they probably can’t do is the whole phasing thing and keep him there.

March on Stormwind would be epic.

A Horde assault phase that sticks around is doable if you add client modding into the mix.

The possibilities are really endless. It’s totally impractical but the thing I’d like to do is a “unified” Azeroth that treats all the continents as a concurrent whole, much as Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms were with the original game, instead of most continents being siloed expansion experiences.

Yeah, this is essentially it.

A whole bunch of state such as this is stored in the MySQL database rather than the client/client files, so it's definitely theoretically possible to spawn an NPC of Thrall on the throne in stormwind.

nice name

yeah, it's possible to create a new client. It'd be a lot of work, though.

Some people make their own patches for the standard client if they have something they want to integrate. I don't really know much about that, though

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