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This was me 3 years ago! I was an academic cellular/genomics lab tech and now I write software.

Have you tried programming? I got my start with python courses on coursera and udacity, then moved on to solving problems on Project Euler. A few years after my first taste of python, I started going to meetups, then researched and entered a boot camp, graduated, and got my first job.

I went into the boot camp knowing that I liked programming, and that was important. I'd strongly recommend you see if you have that inclination as a first step.

Personal projects are great, but as a project manager told me in an information interview, a well chosen boot camp can provide you with structure and accelerated learning.

"too old to ever get a job in the field": I was only a few years younger than you when I started my boot camp. I don't think your age should dissuade you from trying. Your age = experience you have in a different domain, and in my experience, helps with the learning, application, and working process.

I am trying to transition my career from the lab - I have about 10 years of experience in a gene sequencing company R&D and considering software. I'd like to learn more about what you did and see if I can replicate your success, would you mind answering some questions?

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