>> Music is so cheap. All of the original demands 10 years ago have been met. Guess what? piracy is worse than ever. It reminds me why you never negotiate with terrorists.
All the news I've read regarding streaming services (they have existed a lot less than 10 years, mind you) is that they are decreasing piracy. Do you have any other data points?
There are fewer people in all of Sweeden than the city in which I currently live. I don't think theirs is the keyboard the world should be optimising for.
The birth rates in the western world are already low enough that populations are decreasing excluding immigration. If your suggestion was implemented, they would literally go extinct in not that long a time span. Not sure I'd call that outcome a bingo!
Yes, but some of those symptoms included things like gray hair. I also wore bifocals at a really early age. I got my first bifocals at age 30 and three years later when I got new ones the woman who fitted me said over and over "god you are young to be in bifocals". So being so sick aged me, tremendously. I heard that gray hair was indicative of things like a PABA deficiency and adrenal stress. I treated those nutritionally and I have less gray hair than I had in my early thirties.
So, according to the article, there is:
1) No scientific consensus whether these supplements will make you live longer or not.
2) A web page where Kurzweil sells these supplements.
Can someone explain why I shouldn't think of this the same way that I think about homeopathy etc.?
Symmetrical downlink and uplink is the really exciting part to me. Imagine being able to transmit GB-sized files point to point in a matter of minutes. There are so many opportunities for stuff you can do with that :)