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It actually boggles the mind that a 12-pixel image has more combinations than atoms in the universe (!!!).

Well, I think the example with 12-pixel image is a bit misleading, because the picture focuses reader's attention on those 12 pixels, while skipping over the fact that each pixel can have ~17 million colors. More appropriate representation would be a cuboid made of 3x4x24 blocks.

As a rule of thumb, it looks like 59! is about the number of atoms in the universe.

59! =~ 1.38 × 10^80

"I am sure government will also target the Libertarians and anti-authoritarian people."

This is a wild and extreme accusation with no evidence whatsoever. Welcome to HackerNews.

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It's not that wild when you read history about US government actions towards foreign/domestic organisations/individuals they deem have strayed to a point of challenging the status quo. The most obvious example is looking at how communism was treated post WW2. This I find amazing, not that I support communism, but that the government was so ready to act this way towards someones political choice, regardless of what that is. That's far from upholding democratic values.

Another surprising one people dont realise if the CIA probably organised the removal of an Australian Prime Minister because he wanted to take the nation to a more neutral standing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1975_Australian_constitutional...

So feeling this is a likely monitoring point seems a reasonable statement to me especially on any serious anti-authoritarian activity. As for evidence, that's always going to be a hard one, whether its happening or not.

It is not a wild and extreme accusation. The IRS is known to have targeted Tea party people.

More subtle propaganda is already in action too: http://www.madinamerica.com/2012/02/why-anti-authoritarians-...

There seems to be a wholescale hysterical neurosis around the entire issue. The narrative on HackerNews is that every piece of electronic communication is monitored and stored. The majority of HackerNews contributors actually believe this.

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... While simultaneously building their own services which gather and store huge amounts of data about visitors and users.


But it's a plain fact that the NSA intercepts and scans whatever it can, wherever it can. And that it retains as much as it can, for as long as it can, following an elaborate triage strategy. Or at least, they claim so in various reports and presentations. It could all be bullshit, I suppose ;)

Also, isn't there some evidence that Google helped the NSA develop XKeyscore etc?

"I fear that if I use the wrong words or visit the wrong websites, I'll trigger some automated system and will be put on some kind of watch list that will change my life"

I'm afraid you've got caught up in a modern-day hysteria. Nobody is watching you or cares anything about what text messages you type or websites you visit.

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Thats just simply not true. There are automated systems doing precisely this kind of tracking. Did you not dig into the Snowden revelations and see just how bad it is?

Because, its really, really bad. No, I do not want my data in some secret government organizations' computer systems, for secret analysis. Ever. It may not be of consequence to the current administration, but do we really want Trump to have the power that the NSA grants? Clinton? Do we really want anyone with that power?

I think the biggest problem with the Snowden revelations is that, even now years after the fact, people don't seem to understand just how corrupt and how crippling the NSA security apparatus is, truly. Dig into the details and you will see that one of the most technologically advances tools of mass oppression is now upon us - and not just 'upon us', actually - but has been in operation now for over two decades.

Just what effect it has had, we will never know. Maybe there are people who have been spirited away, detected by this system as the rising new radicals that will upset the apple-cart, and we have absolutely no idea who or what they were. Do you really trust the religious zealots in power over this machinery to use it appropriately? Really? Then you are a huge part of the problem.

That is if you are white and American, for everyone else the possibilities of getting harassed based on what you see, read or say are very real.

Why would Snowden get assurance from the the Norwegian government? There is nothing special about him.

That is demonstrably nonsense, Jeremy Corbyn has among the lowest ratings ever seen for the leader of a large political party, because he is a far-left political extremist.

Read the polls.

Seriously, go read them. Labour is ahead.

Download page says required MacOS 10.10, but working fine on 10.9 here.

Can anyone tell me which cloud provider they are using? I want to make sure that scrapinghub are on the list. I block the IP addresses of all the major cloud providers to prevent parasites such as this.

Agreed, and the sluggish problem can't be solved because the Atom team chose a developer stack which benefited them, and not one which benefited the actual users of the software.

There is a massive gap in the market for a native speed open-source SublimeText clone.

I don't know that the stack is the problem. Visual Studio Code seems quite fast.

And the your first statement seems to imply some kind of obligation where there is none. Open source is a public service not a public obligation.

I'm in the comments looking for an answer too.

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